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Hey guys, just a quick post to tell you all of this book I've been reading which I think has some amazing advice on dating both online and offline. It's called Dating Success for Men by Jeremi McManus. He's a relationship coach who has experienced to good and the bad of meeting women, getting them interested and of course dating. You can find the book on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback formats. It also contains some pretty useful info on online dating as well as messaging women you're interested in, which I think is vital in this case. I really hope you guys consider purchasing this book and take it's contents to heart in your search for your otaku lady. Good luck.
Kairu, How's that workin' for ya? I'd be more interested of your personal experiences using said book. I'm not in need, but maybe it could help someone or at least add some entertainment to this thread.
I know of this book (read part of a friends copy) and it does give some descent dating etiquette advice but it does not fix the underlying problems with the men who need to pick up this book too much. Most here IMHO would be better served first reading a book called 'No more Mr. Nice Guy' and 'How to win friends and influence people'. Most of all these dating/mating books have nothing you can't get off of reddit self-improvement side-boards for free fyi. I have been lost in the desert dying of thirst to drowning in women back and forth again many times in my life. I can tell you the common theme of most of these books and the parts that are accurate and which are not. Firstly own your shit even the bitter truths. You can not love yourself if you do not know yourself or like yourself. What you show outwardly even subconsciously is a reflection of what lies within and people read it like a book before you even open your mouth. If you do not love and value yourself no one will be convinced you can do it for another even if you fake it the lie surfaces eventually and destroys the trust. That is not to be confused with being selfish or narcissistic but if you place no value in yourself you have nothing to offer another, especially a partner. Learn to set and enforce boundaries and see and respect others as long as they are respecting yours. It is ok to respectfully disagree and to say no sometimes to people especially your partner. I have yet to meet a woman who was sexually attracted to a spineless ass-kisser, even rich handsome ones. If you have health/hygiene issues, deal with them. Hit the gym for your health and to cultivate self discipline/esteem not for the girls. Get a life and live it to its fullest and fill it with experiences/skills/hobbies you can share with a potential partner and define your character. Secondly wake up from the Disney + Rom-con media delusion that your self perceived virtues are going to win your dream lover away from the 'the jerks'. Nice guys finish last was coined a phrase for a reason. If she does one day around ~30 suddenly sees your value be weary as you may be plan B. You are getting table scraps for the cost of the feast. Virtues are good but they are the minimal cost of entry to polite society. They are nothing special other than more rare in these times but not valuable enough on its own. If it was enough you would already be living happily ever after. Girls if you want to be princesses and queens of Prince Charming you better be Cinderella. This one always gets me in a little trouble but it has to be said every now and then. Unicorns do not exist. There is no perfect partner; merely good or bad ones or somewhere in between. Women are not some divine flawless goddess who descended from the heavens for you to put on a pedestal and worship at her feet and bask in her love. She is neither endlessly patient or loving. She will kick you away when she tires of you kissing her feet and will resent any mountain of treasure you offer to buy her blessings(body). They are not a pokemon to collect or some xbox achievement to show off on your scoreboard. Why do you think they often lament being objectified vs praising it? Women are human beings with merits and flaws and hopes and fears like any other person. They will not complete you but are best when they compliment your merits and flaws so together you are both stronger than when alone. Women should never be your mission in life, being your best genuine self and realizing your dreams should be. When you shine you will attract people and partners like moths to flame naturally. You can not negotiate love/attraction. It is there or it is not and dies easier than it manifests usually. You can not buy it or bargain for it for if you do it is a cheap knockoff instead of the real thing and/or you are dealing with a prostitute who values you not. There is no magic formula to hack pussy but manipulation works sometimes for a while but beware when the ruse is up. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned was also a phrase coined for a reason. =) Statistically men are the minority of the populous due to having shorter life spans and higher mortality rate. Remove all the ineligible ones and unattractive ones and realize 'Good Men' not nice guys are the rare commodity/prize. You will never have enough time or money to meet/date every eligible attractive woman in this world but avoid obsessing over the first one that jumps your bones. Make sure you are committing to a good person and do not be afraid to pass up one until you are certain you are with the right one. Be sure your expectations are realistically aligned to your value.
That's alot of typing you did, sir.
It's Darku. Not surprised. Not with the length nor the content.
I've posted this numerous times before, but it always fits lol http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person/
May 31, 16 at 2:45pm
@xueli That article is so true!
@xynox - I know I know...when I have something to say..... As I recall you (among other girls) have no shortage of comments lamenting weak/creepy/needy guys. I have yet to find an InCel that can prove me wrong without clinging to the distorted programming that made them lonely and sexually frustrated in the first place. It is harsh and cruel but that is an occupational hazard of life.
@xueil - great link thanks for that
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