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Random thoughts...

Jul 03, 24 at 7:09pm
Not sure if it was worth explaining to a six year old about wwI and WWII and then how his great grandparents had to escape from east Germany. Try explaining genocide (And nukes and the cold war...)to a six year old.lol Hoping I didn't inadvertently set him up for bad dreams, buuuuut... He's got my attention span or lack thereof.... Soooo... Maybe not?lol
https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExb3I1bmRkOW81cmc3M3R3bWtheTRwdjJ0aGxyMWw4M2Y2a2R6Y3BlYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/i1hcsgZ1maxvPhzj5a/giphy.gif “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This country’s greatness and true genius lies in its diversity." -Emma Lazarus The words etched on to the statue of liberty a poem that can only ring true if only the hearts of the masses would allow. Diversity is that which has made this vast nation into what it has come to be today. People from all walks of life bringing all the colors, flavors, beautiful, and intricate things; That have breathed life into every corner of every inch of this nation. It wouldn't be what it has come to be today, if it wasn't for the manifold of backgrounds that have laid there roots here. Every thought process coming from those of a variety of backgrounds have made not only this nation great but all of this world. Every brilliant idea and amazing invention has not only come from one race but the various. We could argue over whom was here first then in the end we would all lose because this place we call home was first home land to its Natives we are all living on stolen land. How do we presume to make it right? To keep making the same mistakes of our past and hurting each other due to race? What did our past teach us? That Hate is not the answer. Slavery and The holocaust showed us how truly abhorrent Racial disdain can be. When a group of people are persecuted simply by the color of skin or because of their beliefs. Then you come to understand that the system has failed us. It is not only wrong it is inhumane. America was a safe haven for immigrants coming from war torn countries. Families fleeing to safety from persecution due to race, ethnic backgrounds, and religion. When did we as humans deem it necessary to void others of their basic human right to be free? When did it become ok to lock up innocents In cages like animals for simply wanting a better future for there loved ones. Is it right to keep killing? when this nation was founded on mass slaughter. Will we keep repeating the same mistakes of the past? can there be no peace with level minded individuals in charge? Is this country truly founded on Liberty, and Justice For All? If people could stop racial discrimination, and all the hate then there's hope. Instead of adding to all of the problems that one faces in life why not stop try to understand one another and choose to be kind it would at least be a step into the right direction. To help one another not tear each other down.
Jul 05, 24 at 9:07pm
Never made Carmel with honey, but tonight I inadvertently did. Infused with the juices from carrots being glazed, cinnamon, cloves, butter and a touch of salt. Cooked a little longer than intended...Keeping the sauce for ice cream and I'm going to soon die from a heart attack.lol
He made hot honey! XD
Jul 05, 24 at 9:39pm
I'm so lost with this whole gnome vs knight thing
Going back to work tomorrow after almost 2 weeks off. Sadge :')
Got drunk, Saturday night, asked mommy how to make bread, which at the time sounded like a really good idea. But I'm not gonna make bread and I'm sorry, ended up getting some from the store.
Actually im gonna just delete this. I shouldn't feel the need to defend my standing. If anyone actually thinks I'm an abuser go ahead. Only real ones know I'm not.
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