Is masturbation good or bad?

Ed~ @yamadaed
Is masturbation good or bad?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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xynox @xynox
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
xynox @xynox
Moderation, dear children. Moderation.
It's neither good or bad.

Lisanthur @sanfi
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
Lisanthur @sanfi
As of yet, I don't think there's actually any scientific prove that it's physically bad for you. It can become an addiction, though, which could cause inappropriate amounts of admiration for ones own genitals and lack of attraction to other human beings. Still, the rules of being addicted are rather blurry as it is one of those self-diagnosed afflictions/diseases. You have to reach a fair amount of masterbation sessions a day to be called an addict by others, I reckon. As far as I can see, it hasn't had any adverse effects on my life, though. It can release a lot of stress and there's been scientific research that shows that it can better mental health and decreases the chances of getting prostate cancer. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it might be a good thing, but just as a lot of things moderation's key

KYGAS @kygas
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
KYGAS @kygas
xynox, was it good or bad for you?

Lisanthur @sanfi
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
Lisanthur @sanfi
@KYGAS I see you lurking from the shadows! This is for the grown-ups only, little fellow =P
EDIT: You came out of the shadows and made my previous remark slightly redundant. Bless you ^-^

xynox @xynox
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
xynox @xynox
@KYGAS I'm your onee-chan. No being sexual for you,

Lisanthur @sanfi
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
Lisanthur @sanfi
@Xy Bless you too ^-^

Ed~ @yamadaed
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

115 @siruboo
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
115 @siruboo
its not like doing drugs
its good

xynox @xynox
commented on
Is masturbation good or bad?
xynox @xynox
I smell experience.
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