What you look for in a potential relationship

The misunderstood @nekokitty0706
What you look for in a potential relationship
The misunderstood @nekokitty0706
So basically I'm wondering what you guys look for in a girl, like... what are things that make you take a 2nd look at someone. Kinda like what's your dream girl in a way.

azumakazuma @azumakazuma
commented on
What you look for in a potential relationship
azumakazuma @azumakazuma
Hmmm...haven't put much thought into it until now...
It would be nice to find someone that has these traits:
-Caring enough to be nice to people and worry about others
-Shares some of my interests (gaming/anime/technology, some - not all)
-Has independent professional dreams (life is easier and less boring when both parties earn money)
-Sense of humor
-Easy to share a conversation with
-Fine with me spending time with friends every once in a while
Bonus points:
-Likes cosplay
-Doesn't mind going to a Game or Anime convention every once in a while
-Wouldn't mind seeing other countries
-Enjoys trying new foods or other experiences
-If into anime, willing to watch new or different shows.
I will edit/add to this list if I think of anything else.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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What you look for in a potential relationship
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
A partner who is whole and self sufficient but not an independent selfish stand-alone type. Probably someone who vales balance as much as I do. They must be good natured but a little mischievous with the wisdom to know when is the right time for each. I am typically attracted to creative types and unrestrained lovers.

sincerelysean @sincerelysean
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What you look for in a potential relationship
sincerelysean @sincerelysean
The type who can deal with my stupidity...Yeah that about sums it up.

Lisanthur @sanfi
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What you look for in a potential relationship
Lisanthur @sanfi
I'm just looking for a girl I share many interests with and I can have fun with and who likes me back. She might have major flaws, but that's what acceptance is all about. Nobody's perfect and if being with her is even slightly better than just doing my own thing, she's a keeper in my book ^^

hadtochangemyname @hadtochangemyname
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What you look for in a potential relationship
hadtochangemyname @hadtochangemyname
This account has been suspended.

The misunderstood @nekokitty0706
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What you look for in a potential relationship
The misunderstood @nekokitty0706
awww that's sweet ^.^

xxx @__removed_gurren921
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What you look for in a potential relationship
xxx @__removed_gurren921
Someone that makes you laugh and smile. Tis the simplest gifts of life xD

}{Shadow}{ @xripxshadow
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What you look for in a potential relationship
}{Shadow}{ @xripxshadow
Someone who will be there with you through good and bad times. Really I just want someone to love me as I will them.

Sunbae @alanzd
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What you look for in a potential relationship
Sunbae @alanzd
Main attributes are:
-Somewhat serious
-Gives me a hard time (at least once in a while)
-Knows what they want
-They have to care even if they don't outwardly say it
-Someone I'm comfortable being weak around (which right now only consists of my older sister and father)
-If I start losing confidence in myself, kick my ass back to reality
-Doesn't mind me adopting at least one child
-They can look past how prideful I can be at least most of the time
-They let me keep my firearms in the house
-Not racist/sexist
-I'm not a party person and I hate the club so hopefully I won't get dragged along
-Most of all, someone I'm morally compatible with
And that is the list of why I'll always be single :(
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