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Letting go of someone you love.

Who has been in this painful situation of loving someone dearly but you know it isn't good for you? How does one even go about accepting that fact and acting upon it?
At a certain point you find out that neither of you is benefitting of the situation anymore and it is best to break up. If you're not selfish enough to do it for yourself, you could do it for the other one in the relationsip. Love should be a beautiful thing. When it becomes toxic, that might have it's appeal, but it's also about to kill you slowly from the inside. Wow, that came out really dark. I swear, I'm an optimistic realist, that's all.
Yup I've been in that situation before. It took a lot of time before I was able to step back and see the situation from a different perspective. Once I was able to do that I could feel my opinion of the person changing until the feelings I once had weren't there anymore.
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Once had a mega crush on this girl in high-school for about a year. Later she had a mega crush on me for about a year. Ironically we never really dated because we each realized we were two different kinds of people but we remained friends. I guess that's my experince in the matter for what it counts.
I just distract myself and stay away with anything in regards to relationships and such. My feelings are quite strong when I'm close to them so it takes awhile for the feelings to fade.
I've been in that situation twice. First time was because it was my first love. I was dealing with stuff but once I started getting better I could see how toxic and bad he was for me. Sadly I still kinda deal with another ex that I can't seem to let go of.but it's a slow process for me of trying to move on.I know my ex is bad for me because I keep getting hurt again and again. I guess o just can't seem to learn....
Hmm, I see now. I'm having a hard time getting through the slow process. It's not that I haven't done it before but I don't know why I'm so pensive about it now. It's my longest and serious relationship for me right now but it has been hell. No improvement and no progress being made and I know I've had enough. I just can't bring myself to hurt someone I care for. And yes, I know I really shouldn't draw this out for too long because that's time wasted on both of us.
You know what I believe .. I think it will make you a stronger person. Just move on and keep moving forward
It's happened a couple times now. I just kinda grow numb i guess. But I can't give up! Being alone is far more painful to me than failing.
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