Hello new friend's

kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
Hello new friend's
kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
Hello everyone
Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga, helping people.
Dream's: To be a famous swimmer or singer or a runner.
Food's: Shushi, pizza, noodles, sweet's.
I always love sport's when i was a kid and now i really want to chase my dream's. I really hope i can make it and i'll be supporting anime's when i do my challenge's. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ec/ce/2a/ecce2aca5776e8b26dfc88ef5926106f.jpg

azumakazuma @azumakazuma
commented on
Hello new friend's
azumakazuma @azumakazuma
Welcome to MO.
If anime teaches us anything, it's that if you work hard you can do anything. Good luck with your dreams.
It's nice to meet you

kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
commented on
Hello new friend's
kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
^_^ Thank you soo much Azuma Kazuma. http://41.media.tumblr.com/aa4e95ad3fb09b9bb89a53dba98b7211/tumblr_inline_nucfv0T22x1sg4byd_1280.png

ai_astin @ai_astin
commented on
Hello new friend's
ai_astin @ai_astin
Welcome to MO :3

eblaziken @eblaziken
commented on
Hello new friend's
eblaziken @eblaziken
Welcome to MO, enjoy your stay.

kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
commented on
Hello new friend's
kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
Ai. Thank you very much.
Eblaziken. Thank so much.
I hope we can be friends.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Hello new friend's
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome to MO! :D

lilybug @lilybug
commented on
Hello new friend's
lilybug @lilybug

kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
commented on
Hello new friend's
kyosuke yami @kyosukeyumi
https://static.hummingbird.me/anime/poster_images/000/011/364/original/princeofstridealternative.png?1441732432 Thank you all for the kind words.

davidundpanzer @davidundpanzer
commented on
Hello new friend's
davidundpanzer @davidundpanzer
Hello welcome to MO!:)
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