Curse any recommenders

sincerelysean @sincerelysean
Curse any recommenders
sincerelysean @sincerelysean
Ok so...Thought id try myself at an actual VN...I got a single recommendation for and i quote "New people" in regards to VN...Katawa shoujo...I went the hanako route...Yeah if i ever see anyone recommend this for new people im going to lose it ^^...This story hit me harder than clannad ever could and yes im counting in after story. It was so emotionally moving that im having trouble sorting out how i feel about a lot of things now...Anyway uhm give it a look over and i would not recommend it if youre new to VNs...Its plot is heavy...Extremely heavy...Too heavy Q_Q...

CGanimated1227 @cganimated1227
commented on
Curse any recommenders
CGanimated1227 @cganimated1227
I know what you mean. Take a look at this: It's a thorough explanation of my experience of the past few years regarding it. When i talked to CPL_Crud about why I was so effected, he said that he and Suriko got lucky(hue hue hue "fourleafstudios" hue hue hue).

serenesalvation @serenesalvation
commented on
Curse any recommenders
serenesalvation @serenesalvation
Oh god. Katawa Shoujo was an emotional roller coaster I wasn't expecting.
My friend and I had a deal where I played any game they suggested and they'd read any book I suggested. And they had me play this with the preface of "its a visual novel made by 4chan". Having no experience with visual novels and only bad experience with 4chan I was afraid.
I was right to be afraid, but not right about the reasons. So much feels.

sincerelysean @sincerelysean
commented on
Curse any recommenders
sincerelysean @sincerelysean
Pull me back why dont you...Just completed tokyo babel and went with raziels route...I got the "Good" ending...Was almost as depressing as chrono crusade.
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