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Where to find single people?

@yaasshat You don't have to worry. I'm happy alone, most of the time that is. I'm not looking for a girlfriend because I think they will somehow magically better my life or anythin, because it's good the way it is. It'd just like somebody to share the nice moments with. You're probably right: something will eventually come along ^^ Also, it's not that I see these girls as damaged or girls with baggages, for some reason I seem to attract not only girls, but people in general who've been through some serious stuff. My only problem with these girls is that they don't want a relationship and won't want one in the near future. It's not reallu a huge problem though, because most often they make for good friends, because they know what it's like to get hurt bad. @Sun I'm already rather active as it is ^^ @Everyone Thanks for the suggestions so far. It helps me get an overview of everything and has already made me think about certain things ^-^
@Riolis I thought about that. I'm actually still thinking about that. It's a work in progress, maybe... xD I don't think I'll fall for the meatmarket, though. Most of the time 'pretty' doesn't really cut it for me. Especially when a girl is conform the societal norm of beautiful, I get turned off a little. Most of the time I watch to see if the smile seems genuine and look at their posture. Posture says a lot about people.
keep up the good work sanfi I am sure u will find the one, it is like looking for the needle in the haystack http://orig05.deviantart.net/cb01/f/2016/064/2/4/judy_hopps___zootopia_by_konorigi69-d9tz1sj.png
@Sun That picture! CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!! ^-^
aww thanks sanfi http://static.zerochan.net/Judy.Hopps.full.1978183.jpg
Apr 15, 16 at 10:55am
From my experience, to at least meet girls that have similar interests to what this site is intended for, anime cons have been the best bet as far as having an pretty decent ratio of guys to girls. School related things and volunteering are another good way to meet new people. The handful of anime clubs I've seen tend to have a lot of fans but are generally very male dominated with the handful of girls that are in them usually already being in a relationship or not interested in dating, but YMMV with regards to that where you live and/or go to school.
1. Drop a nuke at a desired area. 2. Hide in a fridge for a while. 3. Get out once everything settles down. 4. Look for the single one that survived, for he/she is the chosen prodigy. 5. If no results occur, rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll find one.
@Luna I'll start a new thread called 'Where to find nukes?' xD
Why search for them, when you can just simply make one. You'll be sure to nail it, if you follow the instructions from a Youtube video.
Apr 15, 16 at 12:19pm
win a million bucks, that always works to get girls
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