Visual Novels?

gaminglover @gaminglover
Visual Novels?
gaminglover @gaminglover
wasn't sure to put this in either anime or video games so hopefully I don't get flagged for wrong place.
I just recently started getting into them, my first one being "Tokyo School Life" and the second one called "Aozora Meikyuu"
Sigh...the term "Get what you paid for" comes to mind for these, as I only paid $10 and $5 respectively.
I hate to say but I was quite disappointed in these, and on polar opposites of it too. For "Tokyo School Life", the story was good, not great, but good. what I was disappointed in was the lack of choices. you think with visual novels there be more than 8 throughout 10 hours of text. (Yes I counted them myself)
As for "Aoroza Miekyuu" I was disappointed in the polar opposite as said before. The story, well honestly, sucked. I forgot to keep count on how many choices there were but I did enjoy there was a timer on them, making you act fast and not give time to think and possibly spoil a future event from guessing.
My reason to post this discussion is to ask: Should I keep trying VNs? I know most people are going to say the "good" ones are the R18 novels, but honestly I don't favor those. SEX ISNT EVERYTHING PEOPLE! lol
The only other VN I was recommended by someone that was NOT R18 was "Clannad" and I really hope I don't have to remind all of you how sad that one is.

Soulbrazier @soulbrazier
commented on
Visual Novels?
Soulbrazier @soulbrazier
Hmm... I don't think it's really a case of people saying that the good one are due to the sex, just more so that the ones with a proper story tend to have sexual scenes... Of course, with some exceptions such as: Steins;Gate or as you said, Clannad...
I have quite a few Visual Novels myself, however I don't yet have a Windows Laptop to actually play them... The immediate one that I can think of that has a longer story to it would be 'Katawa Shoujo'... It's Free, though I imagine you've likely heard of it, due to it being the 'go to' recommendation, particularly among Mac users since it's one of the few proper Visual Novels that can operate on it... Of course, whether you'll like it or not, I can't really say... Oh, and it does have 18+ Scenes, but you can toggle them off in the options...

Riolis @riolis
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Visual Novels?
Riolis @riolis
They are starting to release a lot of non R18 VN version of those 18+ VN you were talking about. You should try Fate/Stay Night - Realta Nua edition which have no prawn. A masterpiece.

gaminglover @gaminglover
commented on
Visual Novels?
gaminglover @gaminglover
yes well even though I'm on windows, I'm kind of in the same boat as you as far as having choices. most of the VNs available on Steam are of course butchered versions of R18 ones (i.e Huniepop, Nekopara, Sakura Franchise) Along with free smaller VNs that most people seem to think are going to be bad but hey, never know. As of posting this I'm kind of looking into ones called "Higarashi When They Cry", and "Voices of the Sea"
and for the record, I'm not against the R18s, just not a fan or overhyped person about them. Some studios don't realize that good stories can be ruined by TOO MUCH fanservice.

Holyfok @holyfok
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Visual Novels?
Holyfok @holyfok
Dont stick to Steam for VNs they're mostly shit if you lack choice the big site for VNs is Manga Lover, I get your point but R18 are likely to be better because they're more popular and have more budget so do like and just skip the H scene (hold ctrl) H scene chat are 0% story related anyway

gaminglover @gaminglover
commented on
Visual Novels?
gaminglover @gaminglover
now I'm starting to think I'm no good at these VNs lol. I took soulbraziers advice and got "Katawa Shoujo" I only made it through Act 1 and ended up with the bad ending of the main character falling off the roof and dying. Why doth it troll me so! XD

Hoshii @hoshii
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Visual Novels?
Hoshii @hoshii
avid VN reader here. ifya cant stand the porn why dontya skip it then?
its not like theres a H-scene every 5 mins or so. while there are a bunch of good all ages vns, there are more better 18+ ones with good plot. and there are indeed vns that have many unnecessary fanservice but not all.
here some good all ages ones:
i definitely recommend Tokyo Babel played it jp and then later after i finished it, the engl translation got announced, pretty funny lol. this one is definitely a good play if u dont dislike chuuni/battle stuff.
and Clannad, Little Busters & Rewrite VNs are also awesome ofc, they are pretty famous. wouldnt bother playing the Clannad vn though ifya watched the anime, pretty much the same.
Umineko & Rose Guns days ( ) are also pretty awesome ones, especially Rose Guns days since im actually not much of a non-voiced vns person, but the story is so damn great that i teared up.

Principality @rankedone
commented on
Visual Novels?
Principality @rankedone
I prefer the ones with story. I loved the ps3 version of Umineko with voice acting.

queeneymemey @queenmemester
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Visual Novels?
queeneymemey @queenmemester
hatoful boyfriend amirite

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
Visual Novels?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'm fine with the sex, but I'm a pervy neko. But I don't watch them for the sex, that's what hentai is for. My fav so far is Saya no Uta.
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