New Guy

flaps2922 @flaps2922
New Guy
flaps2922 @flaps2922
Yep title says it all. Just looking for some new people to talk to and happened to find this gem.

Gou Matsuoka @gou_matsuoka
commented on
New Guy
Gou Matsuoka @gou_matsuoka

flaps2922 @flaps2922
commented on
New Guy
flaps2922 @flaps2922
Thanks, hopefully things will be pretty cool here. Seems dead at the moment though. :/

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
New Guy
VeZeal @axlex
Give it some time. It does have it's low points but once it gets moving, this place gets really moving.
Also welcome.

Riolis @riolis
commented on
New Guy
Riolis @riolis
Welcome master stache o/
Most part of the forums are mainly slow aside from a selected few. If you are talking about the matchmaking side, its very very slow. I only got 3 match and one of them is me for the past 3 years. >_>

flaps2922 @flaps2922
commented on
New Guy
flaps2922 @flaps2922
Thanks guys. I'll wait it out and see where things go. "Master Stache" I laughed entirely too hard at that.

Cujo @cujo
commented on
New Guy
Cujo @cujo
Somebody likes Screamin' Sicilian Pizza I can see! That stuff is GOOOD

flaps2922 @flaps2922
commented on
New Guy
flaps2922 @flaps2922
No no it's the best.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
New Guy
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome and fawesome mustache :D

flaps2922 @flaps2922
commented on
New Guy
flaps2922 @flaps2922
I try. Hmmm hmmm.
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