Ladies, what are you looking for?

Lyson @lyson
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Lyson @lyson
I am curious as to what girls look for in a guy. I consider myself to be a good looking guy, and I have a muscular build. I have been told that I am charming, and I am very caring. People seem to like me, and my dry sense of humor, so I think that means I have a good personality. I also consider myself to be a good guy, and I have no bad intentions whatsoever.
I think that I am doing something wrong though. I have been single for a few months now, and unfortunately the break up was over several misunderstanding, but that is a whole other story.
Back to my original question. Ladies, what do you look for in a man?

Mop @mop
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Mop @mop
As far as looks go, I think my preference has been narrowed down to tall guys with dark hair and light (preferably green) eyes. I also like interesting faces that have an exaggerated feature or two. My last boyfriend had a gap between his two front teeth and huge dimples. My current boyfriend has Mick Jagger lips. Seriously, they look just like Jagger's. Google that shit.
But that's only initial, sexual attraction. That's never a reason for me to date a guy. It's almost completely based on personality. I appreciate a darker sense of humor that might even be a unacceptable in public settings. It's kind of thrilling.
I also like a more gentle side, I'm a total sucker for romance. I want the staring deep into each other's eyes (green eyes <3), I want to be held close at night and to wear his favorite hoodie. Stuff like that. But I also need regular doses of normal stuff. Getting groceries, watching movies, cleaning, talking about politics, etc. Lately my relationship has become more adult in that sense. I need someone who won't ignore the electricity bill and knows when a pair of jeans are too expensive.
You say you've been single for a few months....I'm not seeing the problem. ._. That's not a very long time at all. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you've been searching for a year without even one date or something.

Lyson @lyson
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Lyson @lyson
Normally being single for a few months would not be a problem to most people; however, I am not most people. That was the first relationship that I have ever been in, and I will be turning twenty one next month. You could say that I am a very exclusive guy.
I have had a difficult moving on. I am doing my best to find someone that I can connect, and build a relationship with.

soulxevans @soulxevans
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
soulxevans @soulxevans
Not a lady but I understand this question as I don't see my self as a bad looking guy I think I look at least average and I try and keep my self looking clean and neat. I as you also here from others a lot that I'm the nice guy I'm sweet I care a lot but it seems odd to think that a lot of girls always say that's what they want but they friend zone people like that. :P IDK man honestly and I know you weren't saying you care or eel bad about it or something but I just stopped caring and just try and be as happy as I can from day to day I figure eventually someone will come along and not just want to be friends.

Lyson @lyson
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Lyson @lyson
Speaking of interesting faces, and exaggerated features, I have something that may fall under that category. I have what is called Nordic blood. I have light blue eyes, dark hair, and a ginger beard. As a matter of fact I have ginger hair on my arms, and legs as well. I was also born with blonde hair.

Mop @mop
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Mop @mop
Haha! I don't look it at all, but I'm Mexican. For some reason though, red hair in beards or as natural highlights is a genetic quality from my mom's side...though she has a more mixed ancestry (Spanish and Mexican) while my dad's side of the family is strictly Mexican.
I was cursed with normal features, unfortunately. And a rather square one, at that.

Lyson @lyson
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Lyson @lyson
Don't worry Mop, I don't think your a square!
Back on topic. Right now I think what I need is a different mindset. Throughout my whole life I was overweight, and I did not try to look for a relationship until I was happy with the way I looked. Now I have what I consider to be a great body, and my acne no longer exists. I know this may sound shallow, but I always thought that once I was attractive, then it would require little to no effort to find a girlfriend, or hook up with someone.
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.

Mop @mop
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Mop @mop
I think that while hygiene and appearance is important, confidence is what really will draw people to you. I can tell that you're confident in your appearance, but are you confident when speaking to other people? How do you hold yourself? Do you slouch? Are you okay with admitting your flaws? Do you usually bring the topic of discussion to yourself? Do you make an effort to appear interested in others?
I think that confidence that shows itself in conversation is the most telling.

Lyson @lyson
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Lyson @lyson
Your absolutely right. Depending on where I am I can be the most confident person in the world, or the quietest guy you will ever meet. There is one big reason that I have difficulty initiating conversations with women. I can never tell if they are single, or in a relationship. I do not want to embarrass myself, and look stupid in front of someone I find attractive.

Mop @mop
commented on
Ladies, what are you looking for?
Mop @mop
Girls who are in a healthy relationship with generally bring up their boyfriends pretty early on in a conversation to avoid getting hit on. That's not always true, however, and it can feel like a minefield trying to show interest, but not TOO much interest, in someone who may or may not be single. But that's not your fault, and I don't think you should be embarrassed by something you had no way of knowing.
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