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Pika-Chan's House of Whatever

What's done is done.
Jul 23, 16 at 11:20am
Can we go back to having fun again?
I just wanna say it's probably my fault that Merc left MaiOtaku. He was tired of the drama and no he didn't leave me for Pika, he left because a relationship is just too much for him to handle right now and he wants to be single and have his freedom. I don't know if he'll come back or if I'll ever hear from him again. I have his email and Skype if anyone wants it.
@Princess, From what little I saw of Merc he seemed like an ok fellow but I don't really know him.
I know him pretty well, we talked on Skype this morning, so that's how I know why he left. I just miss him so much. :( I'll miss you, Mr Merc-sama. I will always love you.
I'm always surprised how people can get so involved online. I don't bother till I've known them in person awhile. A lot of attraction is based on pheromones and physical affection as well as sexual compatibility. If I try to have a full on romance online, I feel like I'm just roleplaying.
Allison said something scary and I'm terrified that she's gonna hurt herself anyone please help me I'm begging you please help me so I know she's safe please please please!!
I haven't even seen anyone else on here who lives in Alaska, much less in Allison's town. Can't really help her online unless she seeks it out. If she tries to hurt or kill herself, there isn't anybody I know that can physically intervene, except maybe her sister or something if you know her.
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