Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Adolannan @amastif102
Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Adolannan @amastif102
Hey everyone. Figured this could be a good topic!
I'd like to know what your Favorite Role, Class (from any game), and why you believe it fits you / why its your favorite.
Personally - I enjoy Tank and Healing Roles! Damage hasn't ever been my thing. But particularly as healer I can get a really good idea of everything thats going on from the rear end of things.
My favorite class to play might be... either Necromancer or Warrior from Guild Wars (despite necromancer not being a healing class or tank class, I love the minions. So so much).
The warrior class felt capable of so much even though there wasn't a TAUNT ability like other MMOs. That on its own made tanking rather difficult but it was possible to body check enemies to force them to fight you. Every class had their own skills that made them self sufficient!
I suppose it helped that in guild wars you could pick to learn skills from one other class to give you added flexibility!
I'd like to hear what others experiences are c:
JackTechno @jacktechno
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
JackTechno @jacktechno
Nice. This is a real coincidence; My best friend and I were just talking about MMO classes. My game of choice was Aura Kingdom. I almost always played as my Guardian character, which is a sword-and-shield Tank. Thanks to the teachings of my favorite party member and mentor, I was able to hone my tanking skills and stay right in front of the enemies without receiving much damage, and distract them so that the long distance party members could do their things. One of the features each character gets after reaching lvl 40 is a secondary class. I chose Ravager (Pole ax fighter). That was great for bigger blows to the monsters, and was easy to do since I was already in close range with the sword. I've always been a close combat type of player, but I did eventually make a Ranger character (Archer). I didn't like that as much 'cuz it was hard to fight by myself without getting killed.
My friend and I were talking about what role we would be in SAO, since the VR Game is soon to be beta tested. I said that either a long range or a stealthy type might be better for me, since the game-play would be more realistic, and those roles would probably fit my real life personality.
Noir Fairy @faerin
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Noir Fairy @faerin
Personally I prefer ranged dps roles or healing classes. Generally I'll play as a mage/ wizard class. For example Black Mage in final fantasy XIV.
I've tried various tanking classes and I just can't get into them.
lugexd @lugexd
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
lugexd @lugexd
woot woot for ff14. I usually go for a dps role, primarily melee dps. usually sneaky ones like rogues. Or just really any fast paced DPS, so I mained rogue in WoW. In ff14 I main Monk. Though right now I'm switch to Paladin for awhile so my friend can run dps since he was mainly or tank.
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
My favorite rpg is Diablo 2. Not sure if it fits into the MMO part because you had to go through the nightmare called battle net. My favorite class was paladin. In general for MMORPGs, I like to be a Heavy/knight/paladin/warrior.
Uninterested. @coffeelink
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Tank&DPS Combo.
I call it...
"Dank tankin"
Max @reclaw
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Max @reclaw
I usually go for the heaviest armor there is, the biggest shield I can find, and play as a tank.
I do love me some minion summoning/controlling, though. If it's an option in a game I play as a character that can let his goons do his dirty work for him.
Adolannan @amastif102
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Adolannan @amastif102
Gotta love heavy armor and the styles it has :p
Never liked the way light armor looked
Max @reclaw
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Max @reclaw
Yeah, the more steel, the better.
Hadesu @hadesus
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Favorite MMORPG Role and Class
Hadesu @hadesus
I like high damage close quarter combat characters(Assassins, rogues and blademasters), even if i usually am a tank or a healer so that my friends can play the easier classes. I don't really like ranged based characters if they're not mages. I like the healer lazy work to do and observation over the melee and ranged team tactics.
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