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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

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Bryan, until Trump causes the deaths of millions of people he isn't Hitler 2.0; Only Hitler is Hitler.... Trump is a con man. I agree with the Hillary comment. Between her and her husband, they've raised over 3 billion dollars(1 billion right into their pockets and 2 billion to the Clinton foundation).And what exactly is Bernie naive about? Free college? Universal Health care? Here's a short list of countries that have universal health care: Canada, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, France, ect. Is that really idealistic when it's clearly possible? Below will show the US discretionary spending for 2015. Look at those numbers and tell me that some of that military money couldn't be reallocated to afforded universal health care and even free college. https://media.nationalpriorities.org/uploads/discretionary_spending_pie%2C_2015_enacted.png
*facepalms* I ain't against bernie. I'm for Bernie. Personally I think he can pull off most of what he's saying. Not everything because we all know the Democratic and Republican parties are both gonna give him a hard time if he gets elected. I was just trying to sum up what everyone was saying so we could stop talking in circles. Because I think its clear we ALL hate Trump and Hillary and are for Sanders. We all have differences on who is worse; Trump or Hillary. Imo they are both equally shit. I personally hate Hillary because she's got a clear political record of being a lying bitch. I hate Trump since imo as someone who payed attention to the history of the rise of the 3rd Reich, thinks letting Trump would/could be another Hitler since clearly Trump's ego has run wild in this election. Sanders I said was naive since others think he is - especially with how the economy works. Personally I don't know if he's naive or stupid about it or not since I don't know jack shit about the economy. I've been watching his videos and the statistics that him and others provide and his ideas sound good to me. And even if they aren't great, I figure its better than the shit storm we got now.
I get what you're saying now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. My points still stand to those who argue said things.
Its all good dude. I do suspect the DMC will find a way to get the Hoe a nomination because if there is anyone who wants to watch the world burn its the politicians. But I am riding the Sanders train all the way. And if that fails... Canada will keep their borders open right?! XDDDD
Maybe we'll build a wall and make you pay for it.
So we'll just put that too on the Mexican tab.
Jun 01, 16 at 11:32pm
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