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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

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Lordragna has a High IQ, and he is a good man.
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>You can hide behind logical fallacy shield as much as you want, just because you evoke those words doesn't mean you're right. And besides if I hated blacks as a whole I'd have trouble being friends with one. Its not a shield. You suck ass at proving a point, thats about it. >Islamic terrorism in its current form is a relatively new phenomenon, so I would like to see the data be from about the 90s to now. The FBI statistics cover the 1990s to 2005 - and the Europol until 2011 - there's absolutely nothing new about Islamic terrorism - Robert F Kennedy was killed in 1968 by radical Islamists - and the 1973 Oil Embargo was instituted by the OPEC nations consisting of the same nations that form the Muslim Brotherhood today. So you're wrong. >Okay? Yes 10,000 (and that's only if you trust it will only be 10,000) is a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the population. But it is still a lot of people and we don't have the resources and means to vet them, so my point still stands. No the US has the resources to screen them. The application for political asylum is very long and drawn out, and considering its been 5 years since the start of the Syrian Civil War, the US has it much better than Europe currently. Immigration screening is a drop in the bucket compared to defense, or Medicare or any other large expense bolstered by the feds. > Let me amend my statement. No. >massive faggot. And you just defended homophobia. Added to the LordDragna chronicles collection in my computer for cringeworthiness. >Lordragna has a High IQ, and he is a good man. He's a fucking dumbass kid with no idea how the government works, he defends homophobia, racism, bigotry and pedophilia on more than one occasion. >That's how I feel about the election. Like I am Nero playing the lyre as Rome burnsThat's how I feel about the election. Like I am Nero playing the lyre as Rome burns Actually Nero didn't do this as Rome burns, it was propaganda by later Emperors trying to soil Nero's name, the fire started by Christian terrorists in the capital of Rome and he joined the bucket brigade and also spent the entire night rescuing citizens from the blaze. Get your historical facts straight, or at least try to read Latin if you're going to repeat Roman history.
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>It's just a metaphor man. I know my Roman history Tell me then who is regarded as the greatest leader of the Roman Empire era? And name three books written by him. And I'll know if you say bullshit so if you don't know, say I don't know and move on vs google and make yourself look like an idiot.
The links you've provided have several fallacies Reaper. Especially your "GlobalResearch" one. Let me point out the hypocrisy: Take a closer look at your chart buddy, Extreme Left Wing Groups, Latino, and Jewish Extremists. Do you think they were right wing Trump Followers? NO SIR. The exact opposite. Those are the same groups who want to provide amnesty to illegal aliens, and Islamist's. You can take a look at the crime rates in the South Western portion of the United States, especially the major urban areas. Then take a look who does the most crimes, it sure isn't Right Wing Trump followers. I sure don't want America to turn into a Third World country, we already see it beginning like in Detroit and Chicago. I see you like to throw out the usual weak minded cry of Racism. You resort to bashing others, when they don't have the same viewpoint as you; reminds me of a single celled organism. Liberal Europe is already in bad shape, Brussels, Paris. It's only going to get worse. You should be thankful of "Whites", You're using the English language they made for you, ect. As for your view on Roman history, it's completely false. Not sure where you heard such rhetoric as that, Christianity was a vast minority in Rome during that time. No proof whatsoever they started to fire, do you support the genocide of Christians afterwards? I'd say you do, what a tool.
>No proof whatsoever they started to fire, do you support the genocide of Christians afterwards? I'd say you do, what a tool. Don't put words in my mouth. Christians were a minority during the reign of Nero but regardless they attacked the Roman Empire on several occasions. Do I support genocide? No. > You should be thankful of "Whites", You're using the English language they made for you, ect. I am white, but I have middle eastern ancestry and I take offense to people who proclaim white supremacism. Also, English is a hodgepodge language with influences from French all the way over to Swahili and such for things for like Ebonics and such. >Do you think they were right wing Trump Followers? NO SIR. The exact opposite. Those are the same groups who want to provide amnesty to illegal aliens, and Islamist's. You can take a look at the crime rates in the South Western portion of the United States, especially the major urban areas. Then take a look who does the most crimes, it sure isn't Right Wing Trump followers. I sure don't want America to turn into a Third World country, we already see it beginning like in Detroit and Chicago. I didn't ever say that. I simply refuted that in any way are Islamists more likely to commit terrorism. You're showing a very poor grasp of the discussion. >Let me point on the hypocrisy You mean point out. Learn to speak correctly, for hell's sake. >The links you've provided have several fallacies Reaper List the logical fallacies itemized. >You resort to bashing others, when they don't have the same viewpoint as you I only made attacks towards Lordragna for asserting a viewpoint directly contradicted by the FBI/Europol.
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Marcus Aurelius was the answer I was looking for. The Meditiations are his writings. He was a very wise man.
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