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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

You're pretty much presenting that narrative in the way you carry yourself here. "Radical Christian Terrorists", and you can't cite a source that they were the ones behind it. Your two links are hardly reputable sources. I was just putting things in grand perspective, since you cry " racism, homophobia or other bigotry" to someone who just simply doesn't agree with your viewpoint. No one is trying to play the White Supremacy game here. There are terrorist attacks being carried out by Radical Islam every single day in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq,and Yemen. The Caliphates of the past basically behaved the same way, there are some Secular Middle Eastern countries, but Radical Islam is still a vast problem. The 90's were horrible, take a look at Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and Dagestan.
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>Your two links are hardly reputable sources. I'll link the studies directly to appease you then: https://www.europol.europa.eu/latest_publications/37 You can verify the publications from there for the Europol. And here's the FBI web page: https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005/terror02_05#terror_05sum There you go. Verify the facts away. >"Radical Christian Terrorists", and you can't cite a source that they were the ones behind it. Nero himself targeted the Christians, and consideiring all the bunk that writers had to say about him - I believe Nero over his detractors because they said he murdered his wife, which is proposterous as when she died he wasn't even near her. >No one is trying to play the White Supremacy game here. Your statement echoed white supremacy. Care to recant? >There are terrorist attacks being carried out by Radical Islam every single day in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq,and Yemen. Yes but the context of the discussion was the Western world not the Middle East. Lordragna was insinuating that the Syrians present a huge threat to national security, and I pointed out that Islamists aren't even the biggest perps for terrorism in North America or Europe. >The 90's were horrible, take a look at Bosnia, Kosovo Did you just defend genocide? Because your context refers to Islam and Bosnian Muslims were murdered by Bosnian Serbs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_Genocide Chechnya is a case of a country wanted self governance and Russia won't allow it because its a rich oil area and loss of it would cut into Russian profits. Regardless, do you really want to defend the Russian government? Dagestan is a case of Salafi Islam coming from rich Sunni nations like Saudi Arabia and trying to topple secularism, and its the only legitimate citation you have here for Islamic terrorism out of those 4.
>Well, radical Islamic terrorists do not represent Islam at all. Most Muslims hate their actions. Islam teaches modesty and peace, not burqas and beheadings Exactly, and I don't believe its morally right to punish all Muslims by doing shit like Trump suggests. He's fucking ignorant of Islam.
There's a lot of generalization going on here. I don't really like blanket statements. Yes, some Muslims are terrorists. Yes, some just want to be left alone. Same goes with most of the other religions. Every religious group and race has its extremists. However this argument really isn't about hating any races or religions. The argument is we need to gain a better handle on our borders, our process is not working. The problem is, most politicians are afraid to touch on illegal immigration at all because they'll be attacked by the Hive Mind of Political Correctness. The immigration and border protection processes need extreme remodeling. Should we just let people in? Hell no. Should we look into the process and see why so many are deciding to just enter illegally? Yes. You know it's bad when criminals are getting in over the ones who have paid the fees, taken the tests and waited in line. These are the immigrants that deserve the help.
>You know it's bad when criminals are getting in over the ones who have paid the fees, taken the tests and waited in line. These are the immigrants that deserve the help. Of course, but the methods Trump suggests are authoritarian and hardly efficient. Immigration isn't even the main issue on the table. The economy is, and thus far only Sanders has outlined exactly how he'd fix it.
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>It isn't a punishment to not immigrate to this country. A lot of people want opportunity they can't have in their home countries. Regardless if they have 10 degrees or they simply know how to pick apples, if there's work for them, I say let them in. and considering how Mexican immigrants helped the farms in my home town, I don't have a single goddamn problem with them.
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@Elder_Reaper: And we reach the crux of the problems with Liberals. You're all for giving people opportunities and money that aren't yours to give. Yet when it comes to personally helping, you're either too busy or too broke. If you want to allow illegals in, YOU provide them a job. Don't just expect hard working business owners to. And again, we're talking illegal and undocumented immigration. Not just immigration in general. Not a single person here has a problem with legal immigrants.
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