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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

> Go ahead. We don't want your kind here. You just have some form of self-hate so much that you'd kill yourself fighting a pointless war started by a flippant douchenozzle in the name of a country that would be obliterated in the resulting conflict.
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>Those are some nice strawmen Strawmen are things that distract from the argument. No, your self-hate is the core of your motives. Why else would you vote for a candidate likely to ship your ass off to war or engage the US in nuclear war killing millions like you? Unless you're just too thick skulled to see why Trump's got nothing positive to offer the US. >So tell me, what type of war are we talking about and why would it be pointless? If you need this question clarified then its clear I'm talking to a moron. So be it: Donald Trump's a petulant child in a grown man's body with a massive bank account. As President the way he would conduct himself, based on how he addresses people who criticise him, people like Ted Cruz etc. Its very clear he is likely to conduct himself like that to people like Putin, Kim Jong Un et cetera. You piss off the head of a state with massive amounts of arms, nukes at their disposal and all and you're talking an all out war. The US does not need to go to war with Russia or North Korea - first off its none of the US's business, secondly both countries will naturally die off if given enough time, and ignoring them enough. Russia's Ruble has collapsed and the people are eventually going to tire of Putin, and in North Korea, China's got them by the balls, if Un tries anything aggressive towards SK, Japan or China, China will invade and depose Kim Jong Un and annex North Korea. Therefore, the possible wars are pointless because we don't need to be involved. The army should defend the US and secure the borders.
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> With the exception of ISIS Trump's foreign policy is a very non-interventionist one. Saying he'll make Mexico pay for a 400 billion dollar wall that will take 25 years to build is quite fucking provocative. Also, he's flip-flopped, he was opposed to Iraq, yes, but back then he rolled Democrat, since then he's changed from Pro-choice to Pro-life, from loving Hillary to hating her - you seeing a pattern here? Logically he should flip-flop on foreign policies. Also, considering how he treats other people he's got a tendency to hate anyone whose not white or Christian, see his rallies and statments towards Arabic or Latino voters. As a part Middle Eastern person myself, I am offended by this even though I'm not Muslim and don't agree with the Daesh or Islam in general - you can attack ideology without attacking a race. He's also compared Latinos to rapists, black people to theives and made overgeneralizing statements to the point that fucking David Duke endorses him. American Exceptionalism has gone too far and needs to be ground to a halt for the US to survive this century. Saying you don't want my kind when I simply don't want to die for a country thats lost its way is disgusting.
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> Trump doesn't hate the other races, this can be illustrated by his friendship with people of other races. The association argument is a logical fallacy, and directly contradicted by his statements. > He just acknowledges that certain groups have higher rates of doing certain things. Like Mexicans and with rape, and Middle Easterners and blowing themselves up in the name of a sand God. That doesn't mean all or even most of the people in those groups do those things, but they have a higher rate as a group. This is an ignorant and stupid position. He quotes far-right news verbatim without fact checking, and that same issue lead the US into the Iraq War. That is not leadership material. Furthermore, Muslim terrorism being a common occurrence, both the FBI and Interpol disagree with you, and I'd trust them over a 19-year old from Bumfuck, Kansas in the fucking dustbowl: http://www.globalresearch.ca/non-muslims-carried-out-more-than-90-of-all-terrorist-attacks-in-america/5333619 ; http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/01/08/3609796/islamist-terrorism-europe/ You can't back up your claims even. >There is no right to immigrate to America, and we don't have enough time or resources to vet all of the people who can come in well enough since we have enough internal problems to deal with at the moment. Let me give you some facts. The population of the US is about 360 million people. The number of illegal immigrants? 11 million at the highest estimate. That's 3% of the population. The number of Syrian refugees let in? Less than 10,000. Stop saying bullshit you read without verifying it. It makes you look stupid. >Also his polices have nothing to do with why David Duke endorsed him It has everything to do with his policies. David Duke would not support a pro-immigration candidate considering he's a former Grand Wizard of the KKK. Again, you fail to associate any causality. >Btw you are strawmanning. I never said anything about "You should get out of the country if you wouldn't die for a Trump America". Oh really? You just said this a few hours ago: >Go ahead. We don't want your kind here. In response to my post saying I'd leave if he got elected. Checkmate. >And besides weren't you planning to move to east Asia or something, or am I thinking of someone else? This is a red herring here. It doesn't matter if I want to move to East Asia, South Africa or Argentina - its irrelevant to the discussion at hand. You're making yourself look like an idiot, and I can bring up plenty of times you defended racism, homophobia or other bigotry. So just bow out of the discussion before I rip into you more. Because you keep this up and I could make an Encyclopedia Dramatica page of you.
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