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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

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Why are we talking about political cancer here? We are anime fans. And Trump haters are probably the most hostile and spiteful people around and make up a majority of that cancer. (Note I dont have a problem if you dislike the guy, but Im talking about the people who would rather devote there time to soley hating on Trump rather than support who they want for president)
Pfffft step down noobs, and let the real men handle it. http://41.media.tumblr.com/9d7f0cf578045d8414ca9f729662eb59/tumblr_n5l8pviVz51rxgv0jo1_500.jpg Lol in all seriousness though. Sadly I don't live in US, but I'd vote for Trump if I had the chance to. I really really dun wanna Hillary to win. >_<
Trump and Vladimir Putin, I like the sound of that. Real men in the world.
Just because it's my country, it doesn't mean I'm fond of Putin. He's no fool and knows how to rule, I'll give him that. But I don't like his way of doing it. His decisions might be beneficial for Russia, but usually the rest of the world suffers in the process. In my opinion that's no way to go about in today's world. We should be doing our best to work together, and clean up the mess we made over centuries. Instead, we keep on repeating the same mistakes of our past. Those who rule us today, are mostly survivors of the old times, where it was "every man for himself". And those people have still retained that psychology to this day, using it in their campaign to make people think the same way. That's just so much bs.... No wonder history of humanity is called the history of war. As for Trump, I'm not the biggest fan of him either. However, it's still a better choice than Clinton. Her intentions might be the best for US, but once again the rest of the world suffers in the process. In a powerful country like that, when somebody new takes the crown. Not only the country itself will be affected, but it will impact the rest of the world too. We will all feel it, that's why you need to choose very very carefully. Those who can vote, have way more power in their hands than they think. P.S. This is just my opinion. I'm not looking to argue with anyone, or start a flame war.....
That's a fair enough, and well thought out opinion there.
To those who must know Canada is no longer a safe place for those who are trying to escape the trump Our PM has pretty much fucked us all over, putting money into things that will further the countries technology but also crippling college/university students, sports families etc. he's pretty much undoing everything our last PM did to keep us pretty much stable, as far as i'm concerned canada fucked up big time choosing justin, it's not his time right now, if they had of left harper to be the pm then we wouldn't have anything to worry about.
Yeah if Trump gets elected I may join the French Foreign Legion or find some other out to this nation because he'll spawn WWIII with his unprofesssional and racist behaviour. Make America Great Again my ass.
Fuck Trump, I'll just deport myself to Mexico.
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