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Could you put up with dating a guy who goes around with out a shirt 99% of the time well in side the house?

Well, that was out in the Colorado mountains, but to be fair it was also a snow boarding resort. Well, I can't say much about bears where I live, but hear you on the deer. Since I commonly have to negotiate with the wildlife when I want to reach my front door. They like to chill right in front of my house or in the neighbor's yard at night time, and since I have a nocturnal sleeping schedule, I just kinda run across them enough. Apparently I can get a lot closer to them without freaking them out than most people in my neighborhood can, but lets face it. Its just common sense when it comes to animal body language. Point your chest away, make sure to blink when you make eye contact, and move slowly (but comfortably) while speaking easily. Then you have raccoons. I've just kinda given up with them. They can have my garbage.
I guess I could... Never dealt with it before but I guess I can as long as the guy can put up with my eroge hentai yuri yaoi and me:)
@Chocopyro XD Yeah nice snow boarding is a nice hobby to have!! Deer are A holes in ny I live in the tri states and i'm right next to deer park and bear mountain so as you can tell by there names I get a lot of the two. If I salt my road the deer will come out and lick it up well blocking my drive way. I have to play loud music to get them to leave.
@ Serah2012 XD well that sounds fair! Hey eroge hentai is what makes the world go round. You would think almost everyone would be okay with eroge hentai. I don't have any books or stuff but I draw a lot of stuff for people so maybe that counts. If I did get a manga eroge I'd like ones with a good story and maybe syfy
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