Weird Facts About Yourself!

Rin @miarin
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
Rin @miarin
Sometimes pray while using the toilet
to do stuff like shaving and then i feel bad about it after for praying there ,wrote it wrong at first, hope no one saw lol also like feeling my eyebrows

shoujo_zo @shoujo_zo
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
shoujo_zo @shoujo_zo
I sometimes forget what I walked into the room for, & I'll go all the way back upstairs or to the last room I was in, think a minute, & remember what it was I needed to do lol But I don't think I'm alone on that, idk lol

lugexd @lugexd
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
lugexd @lugexd
yeah, i'd definitely say you aren't alone on that one lol. I know i've done that many times xD

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
I have a wierd habbit of shaving/deconstructing KitKats and Twix with my teeth o_o. No idea where that comes from.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
^ i do this as well

lugexd @lugexd
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
lugexd @lugexd
I do that sometimes too xD

**✿❀Unicorn Queen❀✿** @unicornoscope
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
**✿❀Unicorn Queen❀✿** @unicornoscope
I walk around on the tips of my toes a lot. It's either where I'm short (Like 5'3") or where I used to want to be a ballerina as a kid. It's just a habit I've never really thought about stopping. Idk. ^_^

Shebang @bonfiyah
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
Shebang @bonfiyah
Each of my devices have passwords/passphrases after another. In total, I have to enter about four or five different passwords/passphrases (20-60 characters, very complexed) just to use my devices. There's nothing sensitive in the devices but I have a bit of paranoia if they get stolen and a little trolling in me for the thief. There's mostly anime in them honestly and some games along with music. xD

VeZeal @axlex
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
VeZeal @axlex
Whenever I'm eating starburt candies, I always save the pink ones for last. The more the better.

remus56 @remus56
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Weird Facts About Yourself!
remus56 @remus56
Im a sociopath
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