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The one that got away.

How about a memory lane kinda thing, how about the one that got away? For me, its a bit recent. We met because of some friends through the net. She was taken for a time... and she ended up liking me for some reason anyways. She left her bf for various reasons, none of which were for me. But, we ended up planning to be together anyways. Time went on, and things started to go down hill. She I guess, started to have doubts? Not really sure. But, well. to end it short, she ended up back with her ex boyfriend. We're still close friends so eh.
Multiple times, I have a high anxiety and paranoia problem. To cut a lot of stories short, I like the person then let them slip away. On the same note, I usually conduct a follow-up observation(I know that sounds very creepy). The observation is used to see if it truly was "one that got away". There are only 2 girls that I sulk over every now and then. The rest I found out that gold was actually fools gold XD You can't change the past so you can look to the future.
Feb 15, 16 at 3:41am
Actually that sounds pretty familiar. Theres maybe 2 girls that I've ever truly wanted to be with. And judging by the time it takes me to get over the person that I felt affection or attraction toward, usually ends up making me realize if I actually cared or not. If I get over them easy, usually just a crush. But only 2 have really wrecked me, maybe 3, but only 2 that I constantly think about. And I have the same issues to a degree. I have a lot of anxiety issues. and well, trust issues at times as well. I've been screwed over and led on a lot. And lied to far too many times.
A lot of women can be like this, it's annoying as hell.
Feb 15, 16 at 3:50am
The worst part is hes a bit of a dick. And the only reason he started being his old self again from when they first started dating is because she broke up with him. So, I see him hurting her again e.e purely emotionally, but still. Oh well, its her choice to make, even if its a bad one. She'll have to learn the hard way on it. Or I could be wrong and he'll actually have changed, but I doubt it.
Feb 15, 16 at 3:58am
Her decision. Maybe she needs some drama in her life which is precisely why bad boys are appealing. It means more pain but usually also more fun. It's more adventurous and unpredictable. Let it be.
I will never understand this "I need a man who will abuse me." Ideology that women have. It's cringeworthy. Oh well, more to be the victim while I enjoy they're despair.
Feb 15, 16 at 4:02am
Its not so much that. She tends to take the easy way. Because of what her ex-husband put her through. So she hides things away that can cause a small issue immediately, even if it can cause a big issue later. and falls to the path that will cause less stress in the immediate situation. It has nothing to do with him being a bad boy. hes a dick simply because he just makes fun of people. thats it. he genuinely cares about her. and wouldn't intentionally hurt her i'm sure. but hes a dumb ass that doesn't listen to what people say aside for himself. but yeah, its nothing to do with him being a bad boy. hes a pushover in that sense.
Feb 15, 16 at 4:05am
I suppose the one that got away would be my first crush. Years and years ago, I was just a young man who just starting to take an interest in the opposite sex, it was then that she joined our class and I started seeing things in a new light. She was really nice to me when most people either ignored or avoided me. We didn't get to spend much time together but I knew that I was smitten with her. Being the awkward nerd that I was (and still am), I tried to be nice to her, (unsuccessfully) drop hints that I was interested in her and in a stupid but sweet way, buy her candy one time. I wanted work up the nerve and tell her directly how I felt but I lost it before she changed schools. Also it didn't help that I later learned that she had a boyfriend.
Oh so he's one of those? A miserable pile of shit? Okay I understand.
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