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115 @siruboo
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MO Community
115 @siruboo
i think im going to switch it from goats to pigs. pigs a kawaii
Veru @verucassault
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MO Community
Veru @verucassault
8( I like goats.
115 @siruboo
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MO Community
115 @siruboo
i like all the animals but it seem im always drawn to the evil ones, goats and scorpions
Max @reclaw
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MO Community
Max @reclaw
But are you drawn to pigs?
115 @siruboo
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MO Community
115 @siruboo
i looked it up and i guess there demonic too, i like crows and they are. not sure if this is just a weird site. its pretty creepy
Veru @verucassault
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MO Community
Veru @verucassault
To me pigs are more associated to prey for slaughter. Not evil, just cattle.
darkmagus @darkmagus
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MO Community
darkmagus @darkmagus
theres a bunch of idiots, I can tell you that much
Max @reclaw
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MO Community
Max @reclaw
Well it wouldn't fit if you don't feel a connection to your new animal.
It is what makes you whole.
115 @siruboo
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MO Community
115 @siruboo
people know me as a bird from one forum for a few years. flying goat?
Max @reclaw
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MO Community
Max @reclaw
a winged goat it is, lol.
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