Pissed off at the DanMachi Creators

Manny @manny97
Pissed off at the DanMachi Creators
Manny @manny97
Dont you just hate that their will never be a second season to DanMachi...like wtf, their were so many unanswered questions, like who was the person that kept making him go through all those hardships and how the God Hermie says, "Will he have the strength to change the world?" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. Like what is so wrong with the world. Ya I know the said it at the end that he is the son of Zeus but what gives. You tell us he is the son of Zeus on the last episode? We want more answers...but o while, the creators already said they have no plans in making a second season. Sorry for ranting but ya, may just even petition for a second season but meh.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Pissed off at the DanMachi Creators
neeto @neet_one
The first season aired less than a year ago, what makes you think there will never be another season?

J @j_oxford
commented on
Pissed off at the DanMachi Creators
J @j_oxford
Dem spoilers, I wouldn't say that there isn't going to be another season especially with the popularity. One of the problems with the first season was that the Light Novels were either just being released/localized. I believe it'll get a second season especially because of the Hestia Band.

zawarudo @zawarudo
commented on
Pissed off at the DanMachi Creators
zawarudo @zawarudo
Manny: Dont you just hate that their will never be a second season to DanMachi?
Me: . . . . . . No

jermfb @jermfb
commented on
Pissed off at the DanMachi Creators
jermfb @jermfb
Let me start by saying I have not read the light novels. From what I heard the anime literally burned through the source material and almost caught up. Since this comes from light novels, from them to have enough material for a second season we are looking at a wait of at least 2 to 3 years, pending on the release schedule of the novel, so the question becomes
Will there be enough interest then to make a second season? That is hard to tell.
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