konami573 @konami573
konami573 @konami573
Dance Dance Revolution. This has been my life for almost 15 years and it has changed it for the better. Just wondering if other DDR ppl are out there! And if so, add me and let's discuss anything from strategy to your favorite song XD
. @richaadokun
commented on
. @richaadokun
Yes, been playing for a good portion of my life now. I used to be chubby in middle school, then I found DDR, saved me from taking an unhealthy path in life. I mainly play ITG nowadays but I still play DDR at the arcade as well for nostalgic purposes. Generally I like ITG better now due to all the fun charts thanks to the ITG / stepmania community.
konami573 @konami573
commented on
konami573 @konami573
Oh nice! I see u live in NJ, do u go to 8 on the break? I know some good players from around there
. @richaadokun
commented on
. @richaadokun
Yes! I was actually just there last Saturday xD, it had been a while though. Trying to make it a more regular thing.
commented on
Haha I have so many fav songs from there it's hard to choose. Good old times. ^^
. @richaadokun
commented on
. @richaadokun
Say, anyone know of any fun somewhat new packs for stepmania?
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
commented on
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
I am not a pro dancer or any kind of dancer. I'm not very good at dancing. :S But I always found this game so much fun! And some of the songs are awesome!
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