Vampires united!
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
Vampires united!
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
Anybody on at the time of day?
jet73l @jet73l
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Vampires united!
jet73l @jet73l
I completely misunderstood the point of the thread, and didn't put it very high on my to-read list! Sorry about that XD
I'm pretty much completely nocturnal. I'm extremely solar-sensitive (not like the average basement dweller, of which I am technically one, or, and I really don;t know of an inoffensive term for this fairness type, but a ginger, but rather that sunlight is itchy and painful to start with and I take medication that makes it even worse. I still go outside, but only at night or with tons of anti-sunlight precautions). On TOP of that, back when I could physically stand sunlight for long periods of time I have almost nothing going on during the day. All of my friends are either geek-nocturnal, insomnia-nocturnal, or (in one case) aso have a skin condition that is exacerbated by sunlight. All of that adds up to:
Yes, yes I am. *exaggerated and awkward-looking bow/curtsy/kneel/sweeping arm gesture*
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
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Vampires united!
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
And in this point and time, that is exactly what I am, surely there are others that are the same as well? :3
jet73l @jet73l
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Vampires united!
jet73l @jet73l
Surely there are. They might not be on here, and even if they are, they might have misunderstood the point of the thread the same way I did, but I'm sure there are :\ This is an otaku site, how rare could it be? XD
One thing I find kind of difficult with being nocturnal and having an irregular sleep schedule on top of it is passing the time without anyone else around. I usually just Netflix, think of new ways to verb nouns like "Netflix" and "verb" (kidding ;p), surf the web, and/or read. When I was still taking classes I worked on homework, a while back I watched Netflix/DVDs to keep me entertained during mindless exercise, and before I moved and went broke I did a lot of work on cosplay accessories. Also things for pocket change like doing paid surveys, which is incredibly dull and far from lucrative :\ I still work on accessories, and try to exercise, but it's mostly of the "found art" and "when I feel like it, for as long as I feel like it, which is surprisingly often but rarely very long" categories. My ex was also pretty much nocturnal, for reasons of preference and not anything else, but when we lived together she usually played Harvest Moon all night or Skyped or did Homestuck-related individual activities since a lot of that time was kind of past the downturn point of our relationship. Sometimes I get to Skype-chat with my friends, but none of us often talk for more than a few few-minute bursts throughout a given evening.
How does everyone else deal with their unusual schedules (or just you, chibicourt, if no one else finds their way here soon)? Is anyone lucky enough to have friends and neighbors who have a similar sleep schedule?
Lamby @momoichi
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Vampires united!
Lamby @momoichi
hehe im always nocturnal during sumer break XD
jet73l @jet73l
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Vampires united!
jet73l @jet73l
XD Yeah, that's when it's easiest, assuming you don't have summer school or summer semester. Even when you have summer school, if it's super-early like it was back when I was in middle school, it's easy to just stay up and go to school before going to sleep instead of after waking up.
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
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Vampires united!
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
Well since I don't have a life, it's all good~
jet73l @jet73l
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Vampires united!
jet73l @jet73l
I've got a life, it's just turned into a virtual one again, since everyone who lived within walking distance who can walk very far or in the sunlight during the summer, driving distance who have a license, and getting-a-ride-from-parents distance who don't have a license, all suddenly moved apart. It's all good for me, then, too... As long as I can get one of my many frustrating attempts at being a nocturnal non-freeloader to take. Getting sick from the stress of daytime issues is bad, but so is being broke and only having a few small sources of inconsistent income. If only the requirements for becoming a night watchperson didn't require so much expensive training :P
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
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Vampires united!
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
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Vampires united!
chibicourt19 @chibicourt19
So who else is a vampire?
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