Hello, stranger~

carnivalous @carnivalous
Hello, stranger~
carnivalous @carnivalous
It's a pleasure. Might we take the time to exchange some words? I may be new here, but I assure you, I can be quite worth your while if you'd care to have a seat and exchange words with me. What ought we talk about? Well, I've not a clue about you. However, I can speak on my own behalf, no?
Perhaps we can talk about books and anime, things I've developed a love for over the span of my life. Philosophy is also a much loved subject of mine. Too serious? I'm the sort of gal to play as well, mind. Perhaps we can talk shop about video games, a trading card game or so~
By the by, I'm always deeply passionate about making some new gal pals. Even if you don't bend in much the same way I do, I'd still love to be friends. Might we?
Come now, stranger, let's enjoy our time together.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Hello, stranger~
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Wave of the hat to you and welcome to MO :3

carnivalous @carnivalous
commented on
Hello, stranger~
carnivalous @carnivalous
My thanks! Had I a hat on my head at the time, I'd do much the same in return. Forgive me, if I might only for a moment share a hand in its stead~
Let's speak more, mm?

Andesu @andesu
commented on
Hello, stranger~
Andesu @andesu
Welcome to MO

carnivalous @carnivalous
commented on
Hello, stranger~
carnivalous @carnivalous
Oh-ho~ I appreciate the welcome, stranger. Might you stick around to chat for a time, perhaps? I've nothing but time these days, after all.

Tyz @tyz
commented on
Hello, stranger~
Tyz @tyz
Well don't you stick out? Haven't seen sophistication at levels like these in quite a long time!
Happy you're here, enjoy your time around ^^

elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
commented on
Hello, stranger~
elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
Welcome to MO https://49.media.tumblr.com/079b329a0b73571c3bcd165fc6cf33a0/tumblr_nwqstxSsue1twzl8oo1_500.gif
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