Oi Oi(Hi Hi)

Dro-San @drostyle
Oi Oi(Hi Hi)
Dro-San @drostyle
Name Alex, here to introduce myself to the community
:D , looking forward to getting to know you all. Let learn from each other.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Oi Oi(Hi Hi)
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome to MO Alex:D

djcmr4lyf @djcmr4lyf
commented on
Oi Oi(Hi Hi)
djcmr4lyf @djcmr4lyf
Welcome to MaiOtaku aka MO! list your anime and enjoy the site it rewards you, enjoy your stay make freinds and have fun

Dro-San @drostyle
commented on
Oi Oi(Hi Hi)
Dro-San @drostyle
Much Appreciated bros

elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
commented on
Oi Oi(Hi Hi)
elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
Welcome to MO https://49.media.tumblr.com/079b329a0b73571c3bcd165fc6cf33a0/tumblr_nwqstxSsue1twzl8oo1_500.gif
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