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Is being a little different so wrong?

Lol believe me i am very different. But its not wrong at all to want to be different. Different is good. Different is new. Different is amazing. Be a beautiful swan in a pond full of ducks lol. You are who you are. :3
I get told the same thing, but I think being strange is good, and you should find someone who is equally strange. It builds common ground.
Like Andrew said. My friend Kim used to grab gas station squeegees and do a ritualistic dance while loudly singing about arctic lobsters, wearing tie dye cat ears and a tail, ect. Most of her friends kinda got embarrassed when she entered her strange episodes, but I usually joined in. College was fun. ^__^ Anyways, people will always feel overwhelmed when you behave like that, but if you're with the right people, your wierdness isn't going to drag them down. Instead, it may just uplift them.
I like different. I don't get along well with "normal" people or normal girls.
On one hand you ask if it's wrong to be a "little" different, then you state you're "very" strange. It's not wrong to be either as long as the actions you take being "very strange" or different do not involve limiting anybody's freedom or disrespecting their dignity. However, being different will set you apart and obviously less people will be able to understand you and be your friend. Repressing your character just for the sake of keeping a boyfriend around is ridiculous though.. You probably just haven't found the right person yet. We already have to put on masks in professional surroundings so keeping one on privately would probably drive me personally insane. I don't force people to deal with me in their private life. Don't like what you're getting? Well, fucking leave.
No not at all everyone different in there way
well im different and really different people tell me that im so weird and asks that can i act normal i wont Change it just because of people cos its you why would you change yourself? just because of people saying "youre so weird blah blah blah" just be yourself and if a guy loves u he would accept who you are
Being different is a good thing, if everyone was the same then life would be boring. Find comfort in that fact that your differences make you, well, You.
Everyone one is different you just might be a little bit more different than the others in that case with everyone being different, different becomes normal so if your more different that everyone else already is then that makes you abnormal which is a gem expecially nowadays.
@ Andrewkun people say the same thing to me. All I can think of is you have to own it as your personality. Also keep searching for the one that understands you.
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