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Is being a little different so wrong?

" I get the feeling a lot that many people watch it to feel special and different." @Mididii can you explain this pretty plz. How does watchng anime make one feel special XD? I dont quite understand. I thought people watch it because they enjoy it, well not speaking for everyone that is.
like I said, its a feeling I got, whenever I enter any forum for anime. and its exactly that, you don't understand because that doesnt make sense. so I ask exactly the same question.
Again, it would be nice to what exactly what these guys had a problem with if you are looking for constructive criticism... that said you should not have to change yourself for anyone. No man or woman should change their selves. If people can't accept that you should not be friends with or dating them.
Dec 28, 15 at 7:28pm
Being yourself comes first."If you wish to be loved,be the first."
Addendum to my above comment. No life form. Not gonna limit to just male and female. If one is neither, both, extraterrestrial, variable sex that changes by sneezing, etc. My point is nobody should be feeling like they must change to be accepted.
There's nothing wrong with being a little different. Just as long as you don't hurt anyone or anything like that, you should be fine.
Being yourself lets you live your life.
Fly the oddball flag proudly. All of my friends could be considered "weird" by "normal" standards, myself chief among them. Personally, I love it. The individual nature and differences in all humans is what makes up the color and pageantry of this world, it would be a shame if you muted music, or white washed color, just because you think you might be a little odd for it.
I can almost guarantee there's been at least a few girls I've dated who've been turned off by the fact of how much I game and seeing my collection. They weren't huge gamers themselves and never said it directly to my face, but the direction things went in the dating phase turned south pretty quickly to the point they weren't interested in me any longer once they finally realized what it really entailed instead of just talking about it in passing in the initial "get to know each other" phase. Working at GameStop, I occasionally see guys with the old ball and chain who are basically forced to sell off anything gaming related to keep the little misses happy, and I frankly cannot wrap my head around the fact I would need to sell something or change a facet of who I am just for the sake of a relationship. I'm a 100% proponent of take me as I am or leave me. I'm a package deal with my gaming, one mildly silly cat, and nerdy aspects of myself. I'd rather stay single then relinquish any major aspect of myself or interests just for the sake of a relationship.
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