Hi I'm Sync

Shinku @shinku
Hi I'm Sync
Shinku @shinku
Born to the name Hayden.
I left for a while (wasn't going to come back, but we here), as I feel I've changed a lot in that short time I decided to reintroduce myself. So hey.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Well welcome back Hayden :D

allen x kanda @allenxkanda
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
allen x kanda @allenxkanda

eliascorazon @eliascorazon
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
eliascorazon @eliascorazon
Hi ya Syncie /OWO/

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
Hewwo! ^u^ *waves with a smile* welcome back to MO! >u<

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
JackTechno @jacktechno
Yo Sync. Looks like you have an encyclopedic knowledge of anime. Glad to have you back with us.

Mushi-shi @mushishi
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
Mushi-shi @mushishi
Hello and welcome back.

Shinku @shinku
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
Shinku @shinku
Haii, thanks guys. @JackTechno I've probably watched it.

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
Hi I'm Sync
Nakama @jacob1
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