What game are you currently playing?
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
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What game are you currently playing?
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
@sobo275 in H3VR you spawn with random weapons
Sobo275 @sobo275
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What game are you currently playing?
Sobo275 @sobo275
Ah gotcha
kogr @kogr
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What game are you currently playing?
kogr @kogr
This account has been suspended.
Veru @verucassault
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What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
Borderlands 3
Probably GTFO soon
Grim Dawn
Coffee Talk
Steam just had a sale on the Witcher series, planning to play 3 again, but kinda wanting to play 1 and 2 before that.
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
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What game are you currently playing?
darkness_anger @darkness_anger
Finally completed both of Millia's paths in Guilty Gear XXACR. I'm so happy
xxx @__removed_ashley_chan
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What game are you currently playing?
xxx @__removed_ashley_chan
I have been dual boxing Everquest, with random things like Fall-guys or Tabletop Simulator inbetween x3
heartlessangel93 @heartlessangel93
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What game are you currently playing?
heartlessangel93 @heartlessangel93
Been playing Skyrim on my Switch, and just started playing Digital Devil Saga. Gonna go on a Shin Megami Tensei binge.
Veru @verucassault
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
Two Point Hospital. It's free on steam for today and maybe part of tomorrow.
I played for 15 mins last night and was like... yup. Good sale, 70% off on base game and I'm a whore for sims. You can get a bundle with everything for $30, or the base is $10.50.
Laffantion @laffantion
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What game are you currently playing?
Laffantion @laffantion
Yakuza 0
Avenger @avenger_senpai
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Avenger @avenger_senpai
I've been playing Evergate recently, a very charming 2D Puzzle Platformer. Visually it looks similar to games like Hollow Knight and the Ori games but without combat.
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