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Moonlight Lovers
Guilty Gear with some friends as bad as me. Iceborne soon tough :))))
Mythgard https://static.fore.4pcdn.de/premium/Screenshots/ba/0f/92597128-vollbild.jpg
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Mainly wow and some lol, not really too much single players. Waiting for the good SP games like batman/assassins creed/etc.
Been playing quite a bit of 7 Days to Die recently. I have a little private server running for my friends and I. Just started playing Generation Zero. Makes killing robots more satisfying than it likely should be.
Monster Hunter World Iceborne Call of Duty Modern Warfare For Honor Main ones
Call of duty
Just finished Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order today. It was soo good. Playing the Uncharted games on the single player side right now and star wars battlefront 2 in multiplayer.
Been addicted to Monster Hunter World the past few days to the point I grinded and already made it to the Negigante battle. Also I started out playing with the Kinsect and Glaive. Then I switched to the Long Sword. I stuck with the Long Sword Kitana for awhile until I got stuck with the Diablos Hunt then I switched for a little bit the Buster Sword. Finally I made a perma switch to the Bow and Arrow due to the speed and efficiency of the blasts. Thanks to Charles for getting me into this game. :D https://thumbs.gfycat.com/MasculineLividAddax-max-1mb.gif
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