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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

I'm going to be 22 next month and am still a virgin and I don't really care at all about it, but I've never really cared about sex in general I guess. It always feels weird because I don't understand how people can just like have casual sex constantly or fuck people they've only known for a few weeks because I've never experienced any desire like that myself. I feel like it actually hurts my chances at finding a relationship because I just don't care about sex at all from a casual standpoint yet when I look around it comes off like regular sex is all but expected from people in most relationships these days. I've always had this belief that sex is something that needs to have meaning and isn't something you should just have with anyone but someone you truly love and care for. I kinda saw this thread and thought I could see what other people think and decided to throw my own 2 cents about my virgin situation into the convo so yeah lol
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virgins are people too!
@Professor Scam: I agree, sex should be done between two people who deeply love each other very much. Your soul mate, not someone who you have a puppy-love crush on. Granted I was raised and influenced on "no sex until after marriage", so I might be a tidbit biased there. I'm 29 and am still a virgin because I chose to be. Not because "oh, he chickened out that one time"... NO! No, I knew how to control myself and not act like an "average" guy, wanted a new fuck buddy every day. I want to know the woman first, to see if she's the one for me before we become one. I think I'm about to ramble/get a bit off topic, so I'll stop here. But yeah, I think there are too many views and definitions on "virgin male".
Bliss, Women aren't jobs, they aren't things and believe it or not, they owe you exactly Jack shit for merely existing. You wanna prove your worth? Prove how you care, prove how selfless you are, prove that you TRULY expect nothing in return. Relationships aren't jobs or games and people are not things to be used. For posterity, NO ONE OWES YOU ONE SINGLE THING, IT'S NOT A GAME OF TIT FOR TAT. Not picking on you, just calling out the bull shit that becomes the "nice guy" mantra, which you seem to be preaching here. Correct me if I somehow misread, otherwise, you're kinda disgusting.
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John, Though your sarcasm be rife, you seem to have a problem. Care to share?
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John, Think as you may, I'll tell you as I've told them, it's what's being said that I'm picking on and rightfully so. I only know what is said here and can only form an opinion based on that, just as you are of me. You want to coddle? That's on you. They are not the first I've approached in this manner on here (By far. Those who gave time to understand, they actually understood where I was coming from.), so, it's not about them personally, only thier message. If you don't want an opinion that differs, don't make yours public. Do I approach it a bit rash? Probably, but again, not without reason. Wanna acosst me for my opinion? Have at it, I take no offense. Infact, I encourage differing opinions even if negative, it makes one think and maybe do a little introspection. Also, read a bit. I've yet to call another a "nice guy" or "women hater", but I will call out what is said as being to that affect.
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