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Does appearance really matter?

i don't think it does, no. in some ways, MAYBE? but i don't think it does
I believe it's not a matter of yes or no. It's a matter of how much. To some people it matters more, while to others it's a lot less. Judging by the people I've met in my entire life I can tell you that it varies wildly from "nothing else matters" to "oh yeah I completely forgot about appearance, it's at the bottom of my list". I've never met a person who honestly said no and believed it subconsciously too.
Beauty is relative, nuff said.
Yes, appearance matters. A lot. Of course, personality is way more important than looks, but personally, I don't think I could date and fall in love with someone I don't feel physically attracted to.
Mar 21, 16 at 5:02pm
Beauty catches the eye but character catches the heart. Looks may matter in grabbing ones attention but that's about it. Personally if I found a guy attractive but with a horrible personality then of course it isn't going to work. Looks are always a bonus but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has different taste. Some people would find me unattractive, some people would find me attractive. It depends on ones taste honestly - so yes, it may matter to some but not in the long run however that's just my opinion ^u^
Agreed Chrissy, all a matter of perspective. There is a saying "Eye of the beholder."
Mar 21, 16 at 5:37pm
Yup it does even if we like to pretend it doesn't. Appearance is what appeals to you in the first place. It's like a box of cookies with a damp brownish-green package. Don't want to touch that right? Even though you'd find delicious cookies. Or not. Not all cookies are delicious and not everyone will be a special someone for you.
I guess a clean, healthy image it's what matters for me.
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