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Peer pressure

Nov 30, 15 at 2:00am
Do you ever feel pressured by family or friends to get into a relationship? Are you worried about disappointing them?
Nov 30, 15 at 2:10am
My mother gives me the "I'd like to see grand-children before I die" speech which is... relatively uncomfortable... I do kind of worry about disappointing her a little. But overall I think the most pressure I feel is just from myself. Wondering if I'll ever find someone who's perfect for me.
Nov 30, 15 at 2:44am
My grandmother actually wants GREAT grandchildren before she dies, it's annoying but over time I got over it. I'm not getting in a relationship for anyone but myself.
used to but was able to convince it would be a bad ideah to rush such things^^ just speak up to them give a good reason why you'd wana wait. as long as you keep it calm and collected ppl will be more open to your vieuwpoints :)
Nov 30, 15 at 10:07am
My mother teased me by telling to go on a match making site like match.com years ago. Look where I am now. xD Truly no has ever tried to rush me into a relationship so I'm quite grateful for that because I really like to take things slow. ^^;;
Rain @rainx commented on Peer pressure
Nov 30, 15 at 10:39am
I get the "have you met a nice girl yet?" question from my mom every time I see her. Fortunately my older brother and sister have met the "grandchildren" quota for her (13, 10, & 1), so I'm under no real pressure. I think it's more just worries at this point about me not being alone for the rest of my life, etc. I've always been a bit of a black sheep of the three of us siblings (I'm the youngest) which I don't really mind.
Nov 30, 15 at 10:41am
For me not really my family always pressures me to finish my studies and acquire a great career first, i just happen to defy them most times and have had relationships a few times :O
Dec 05, 15 at 1:07am
I get a little pressured. There's time where I go somewhere with my mom and she brings up things about getting married, kids...
J @j_oxford commented on Peer pressure
Dec 05, 15 at 1:37am
My mom nowadays keeps asking me why I'm not chasing after girls. Which now I guess I'm pickier than I used to be. I used my teen years to go from shy to charismatic. I believe the best way to get used to talking people is being used to being uncomfortable (redundant). My mom hasn't really seen me in two years. Personally I lose interest in a girl I can figure out quickly. Peer pressure wise I was getting the opposite. My last ex was trying to convince me that my parents were the bad. She tried to convince me that I was incapable of learning in college. She was always pushing for marriage, but I didn't see the relationship as healthy. I gave everything to provide for us, my grades suffered, I worked a job that I absolutely hated to provide. I, in the end, dropped everything and left her.
Nope~! I'm pretty certain they'd actually be shocked if I ever got in a relationship, heh.
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