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The Coolest Cool Guy Has Arrived

What up, people of MO! Sorry my profile is a bit lacking at the moment, but I wanted to introduce myself to you guys. Again. Why "again"? Well, I was here about six months ago, but that horrible thing called "life" got in the way and I had to leave. So...I'm starting over from scratch! (Plus, all my friends here unfriended me so I need new friends!) And that's it for my backstory! Let's be friends!
hmm.... whats up...
Gday mate ^_^ welcome
Slid into this thread like http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EFcTm97zKUQ/UsMlJUyZOKI/AAAAAAAABnU/-IfazJNcmek/s1600/Sliding+Grovel.gif Welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
sup bruh and welcome
Hewwo! ^u^ Welcome back to MO! *cheer and waves at you* I hope you have an awesome time and I hope you make lots of friends ^u^!!
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