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Maiotaku members fanfiction

Oct 23, 15 at 2:08pm
Members of forums... apparantly so.
"Ok might be a pop quiz tomorrow might need not, sleep in fear tonight". "God I hate this". Today was just like any other day, listening to the teachers ramblings, I understand he went to Harvard but, tone it down. Anyway, I couldn't wait to leave class. I walked out of class and went to my locker. " hey red!", "oh no". That's when I saw panda and xynox come around the corner. Panda put his arm around me like he always did. " hey man, come on what are you doing moping around, were go hang out at the bar, you in". "I'll pass thanks, I've got another plans." "Oh, you stalking mariahaise again, lol". " shut up man, I gold you it's not like that". "Whatever, just look out for gamezee". Panda and xynox just ran off after that. "I swear those two are like hamsters on coffee, but it my problem". I just proceeded to walk out of the school. Though panda was right about one thing, I did want to talk with maria, though not about what he was probably thinking. Maria and gamezee had been the all-star couple in the school for the last year. Was I butt hurt that I missed my chance, sure, but I'm not cryig myself to sleep over it. Anyway, I ran into them both outside in the parking lot. I could tell they were talking about something, probably gamezee's new car again. " what are you doing"?! That's when I turned around to see my sister creepy standing behind me. "Dammit sis, a little warning next time". "Ha-ha sorry bro, you stalking maria sama again". "Why does everyone keep saying that, is there like a rumor about us or something"? "Oh, I thought you knew" Creepy then told me the rumor going around the school, I was horrified. "What, I did what, sis that didn't happen". " ha-ha OK bro, but you might want to tell her that" creepy just ran off laughing. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "oh great". " Did I hear you sister right red?" "Maria c'mon that's a load of bull, I'm not stalkig you". Maria definitely lived up to her title as High School ice queen, considering she froze me to a tree. "You better talk or I'm going to literally kill you". "Ha-ha really Princess, what are you going to do?" "What did you just call me" she was blushing, how cute. "You heard me Princess, what are you going to do?" "Shut up" as I received a sharp kick to the ribs, on the bright side, the kick broke the ice Trap. "Cough, cough", " you'll say down there if you know what's good for you". "Oh you underestimate me mariahaise". I'd been waiting a log time for this. That when kisses her hard on the lips, she was comepletly speechless, rumors and desth be damned, it was worth it. I just broke away and she was just frozen, no pun intended. "You are so dead red", I just walked away from her to my apartment. "Whatever Princess, it was worth it, make sure you have both knives ready when the time comes, I don't go down easily ha-ha." Well, this story should get some gossip going.
Incredible how points of view can change a lot. I dunno how to feel about Red's fanfiction (is this another CONFESSION?)... Also I do not blush. And the other fanfiction sadjester made was really cool except for the part I would get them something back and they will probably enjoy it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Oct 23, 15 at 3:09pm
Why the fuck am I in there? I'm not shipped with anyone.
Hahahaha, so many stories!!! You guys have way too much time on your hands... The typos always kill me though - I think it's OCD or something. And someone should totally include my massive biceps in these stories!
I saw xynox sad at her desk again, she's been like that for the past week. I had to do something. "Hey xynox, you OK". "Hey red, I'm fine". "No your not, what's wrong?" "My boyfriend just dumped me, stupid panda jerk". "Wait a minute, you and panda were dating?! I had no idea" "Not anymore were not". "I'm sorry that happened xynox, but, let me make it up to you". "I just picked up some new recipes in cooking class yesterday, you want to come over, I can try to make you something nice". "Actually, I'd like that". "Great, bout 3 sound good?". "Sounds good". "K, see you later". I had no idea where this was going to lead, but I wanted to help her get through this. I got back to my apartment and showered. As soon as I got dressed I started cooking. "Let's see, Korean chicken, hmm sounds good". I had been cooking for bout an hour when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and I saw xynox. " hey xynox, man you look beautiful. "Thanks red, can I come in?". "Of course". She walked in and I took her coat. "Man smells good, what is it? "Korean chicken, I added some curry, hope you like it. *One Hour Later* Luckily she liked my cooking, thank god. I could tell she was still hurting about panda. Damn if I ever see him again I'm going to clock him. "Hey xynox?" "Yeah?" "Don't mean to sound creepy or anything, but if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask, OK. "Thanks masque, I might take you up on that". "Well, can I get you anything else" "I'm good thanks". "Alright". "O masque?!" Yeah? That's when she kissed my cheek, I wasn't expected that. "Thanks again" :3 "Um, anytime ha-ha. Well, she asked to be shipped with someone, wish granted. Slight panda x xynox Xynox x Red
@maria C'mon maria, you know u want me. ;)
Wait what? me x xynox? Since when? Maria ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) red intends to make you his
Over your dead body.. http://pa1.narvii.com/5684/bece1d1a49b112aa087dcfd0fa68504ff398a9bd_hq.gif
Oct 23, 15 at 4:32pm
^Haha @Gamzee~ what anime is that?
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