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Maiotaku members fanfiction

Haha he got princess's character with that ass line Lol rini and fran XD
Haha. I like it too.
I should draw a chibi pic for it But I find it somewhat confusing The ass part made the most sense
Wow, this exceeded my expectations. You guys are awesome. Here is some more Maria, Matt, Panda fiction: Maria came back to her home after a hard day. With a resigned sigh she throws her suitcase on the floor. Reaching over behind her favourite Esdeath poster her fingers find a hidden button which she summarily pushes. A sudden rush of cold air enters from a trapdoor. Confidently she steps into the darkness below. Into her element. After moving down for what felt like ages she stops at two rusty boxes. They begin to shake when they hear her heels clicking on the stone floor. Voices erupt from the boxes: "Mistress, mistress. Let us out!". Without a sound she pops each respective box open. Two haggard, pale figures crawl out. She regards them both with a sneer and says: "Matt and Panda! Grant my every wish and I might consider setting you free." In despair they cry out in unison: "That is what you said last time." Their sadness only elicits a bellowing laugh from Maria as she leads the two back up. Only she knows the way through the gloom. When they reach Maria's room she tumbles on to her bed. "Do as I taught you!" she barks. They move as if they are dogs doing the bidding of a master. Panda dips his hands into a pot of skin lotion located next to the bed and proceeds to massage Maria's arms and legs. He whimpers when Maria screams for him to do it harder. "Do it like your life depends on it! Because it does!". When Maria stops screaming at Panda, Matt takes it as his queue to start his routine. The stereo system suddenly begins pumping out Gangnam Style and Matt shakes his behind centimeters from Maria's face. "Mmmm, yes. Matt, I can always rely on your ass to put me in a good mood." The routine continued for the next couple of hours. When Matt couldn't dance anymore and Panda's hands were stinging they asked for mercy from Maria. Both of them wince as they expect blows to rain down. Instead Maria calmly says: "I'll take you back to your homes". They hug each other out of relief and tears stream down their cheeks as they are lead into the hallway. She asks them to wait in the hallway while she gets her keys. They talk about what they dream of doing when they get out. An "eeeeek" and a groan of wood abruptly interrupts their chatting. The floor gives way under their feet and they fall into a big cage in the basement below. Maria appears above them: "This IS your home now!". The last sound they hear as the trap shuts is Maria's booming laughter echoing everywhere.
haha omg Princess is such a sadist in this story and Matt and Panda???
Oct 23, 15 at 1:48pm
This has its own thread now? Jeez, guys... lmao
Yea cuz who reads fan fiction..,. >.> *raises hand slowly*
Oct 23, 15 at 2:02pm
I do.. but usually not about members of a forum, haha.
Wait what? >.> so forums themselves can have fans too?
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