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Maria denies me *sits in a corner blue with a rain cloud* so...sad...
Haha it is ok That is princess being nice
Hahaha, princess MarIA is really a big jerk
https://33.media.tumblr.com/d66dafd5f2be5d9d7333e2ee47f4855f/tumblr_mzu4650yX71rkz39eo1_500.gif accidentally walks in vercua kissing arc *backs away slowly oh dear
Damnit Lux... The suspense!
Hahahaha, sucker! And besides, I wouldn't give you or sunflower that much power
Good^ Power+Veruca/Sunflower= Unknown horror
A little black cat who was always alone came to be helped by a little girl. http://i.imgur.com/4D4EB3w.jpg Now this little black cat fell in love with the girl, he wished oh so very much to be human and be by the girls side. One day god Veru heard the little cat's prayers and allowed him to turn into a human for a week. The little black cat was very happy. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1FxeKLq3SU8/T52KFslBK-I/AAAAAAAAA4E/0XUtWBYL7-k/s1600/furuya+nervous.png The little black cat who is now a human boy went and found the girl who saved him, she was a very pretty girl with raven black hair and sky blue eyes. http://evetaku.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/sankarea_01.jpg However for the first couple of days the little cat did not talk to the girl, he took up some stalker tendencies and took pictures and videos of the girl. http://pa1.narvii.com/5638/a572078b5a4f667f7d89fd98b1a5a918266b3ac6_hq.gif Finally one fateful evening the girl tripped and sprained her ankle and could not walk, the little black cat(human now)went over and picked her up. https://i0.wp.com/www.myanimeblog.com/uploads/Commie-Sankarea-02-08DD7C48.mkv_snapshot_17.22_2012.04.13_20.04.21.jpg He took her to his room ( a house god veru lent him) and bandaged her up. The girl said... https://suntzuanime.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/i-am-going-to-start-having-a-zombie-fetish-if-that-is-ok.png ...so I am so happy. She pushed the little black cat down... But God Veru walked in on them, angered at the fact that the cat fell in love with a girl and not a boy http://moarpowah.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sankarea-budding-romance.jpg she was disappointed and turned the cat back to it's original form https://shindeiie.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/sankarea1201.jpg?w=500&h=320
lol cute sunflower
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