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How can I find a girl like this?

Omg this guy got his cute girl pASS IT ON
Thank you xynox! I appreciate the honest answer. I feel like cons would be the best way, since the manga/anime related places here are pretty shady and uncomfortable. If I sound like an asshole, it's probably because I'm told I come across that way a lot, even when I don't mean it, so I apologize as well for that. I have also recently re-discovered my otaku-ness (like I said in the first post), although back then I didn't have a word to put to it and didn't know anyone else like me, so I went on a life tangent for a while. It took a relationship that was totally not right for me (we had nothing in common deep down) to shock me back to this realization. MaiOtaku is a great idea, and I think one common interest is enough for people to at least see if they have more. Clubs and bars have the same idea I think, only the common interest seems to be spending money, getting drunk, wearing very little, and grinding on a stage where everyone can see. Not my thing, really.... PS: This site is more active than what I thought in my first impressions! I like it. I take back my earlier skepticism.
Oct 19, 15 at 3:49pm
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I don't think it's rude, it's just not obvious to me. I guess I'm not as in-the-loop as I should be. I've never really reached out like this, never been to a con, never really understood why I should or what it was really about. Like I said, I've been pretty much alone in this with a startling lack of information on how to actually be social in similar interest groups. I'm starting to get a small picture now thanks to the help from you kind folks. The question needed to be asked. :P
Ah, also, Xynox, I almost forgot. I'm sorry you had to deal with guys setting shit priorities. I read an article once about that and totally understand your plight: http://jezebel.com/man-poses-as-woman-on-online-dating-site-barely-lasts-1500707724
I think it's just luck? Just like anywhere else in this world :)
Oct 19, 15 at 4:22pm
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Yooooo Xynox! Back away from my little cabbage patch kid, aka krillin, aka something else. He's totally mine!
Oct 19, 15 at 5:02pm
He's all yours. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For some reason, going to Gamestop and places like that yield little to no results, unless I was into short hairy dudes. But alas, when it comes to finding girls like that, it really is just luck. Any girl i've met and dated that happened to be into anime and videogames, i've met at bars, restaurants, out and about on the street...You cant force the chance meeting of a kindred soul, it seems to happen when and where you'd least expect it
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