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are there too many boys on this website?

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There are threads for people who like art, video games, and fitness XD but actually doing those things and being productive is better. Just use the site when you want some social interaction that can't be immediately obtained in RL. Honestly, I don't know how people survive this place without posting on the forums but ehhh using it as an actual dating website ... Meh. But in the conventions thread you might find ppl going to one you are interested in.
There aren't just boys but men too....if I can find them I'll point them out >.> And it always seems that way. No matter where you go in RL. Guys go out there, see a lot of women especially attractive ones and go "I won't be able to land that" come on line...and since there isn't really 'traffic' your vision is a bit skewed. I should know...I have the same issue. *shrug* use the search function...you'll find a lot...but a lot are not very active... Or...maybe because there a few girls who are really active...and they tend to soak up the attention of multiple guys...so it seems that way?
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Nothing wrong with wanting the attention though. I know I want attention... But I'm not gonna go out and think I'm just going to get it. *shrug* I'm used to being in situations where there are more guys and active girls running around hanging out or talking or w/e...but I know there are some that just aren't in the open...not like I'm gonna get approached anyway...but they are there if you are a go-get(her)
this is a trick question beCAUSE there are 2 many boys period
I think it's more the anime community in general rather than just this website alone.
The reason no girls because guys in here hogging all the girls. I'm one of them but no luck still in friend zone but I know there is one that hog all the girls that is panda kun and hmm who else maybe arc and more :).
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Yup I guess there are lot more guys than girls on sites like this ^.^' Although there a many girls who love anime, cosplay and japan stuff. Of course I would like to see more girls online especially cause I'm single ;o My experience about girls in avatars and female characters in games would be don't expect a girl xD I guess the most females here who note "female" in their profile are really female actually tho :p ... Well just let me remain a touch of hope xD
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