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Too much flirting?

Oct 10, 15 at 6:12am
i flirt with guys and girls
Oh yes, there is absolutely a limit. I learned that from my embarrassing younger years. I love flirting and I like it when a girl can take a compliment - but I don't want to make a girl uncomfortable nor do I want to bore them with constant compliments so I keep my flirting to an absolute minimum. Most of the time I'm very subtle but I can be very straight forward with my flirts as well when I'm feeling bold - it just depends on what I reckon is best at the time. Although when it comes to relationships, all flirting is reserved for my partner only.
Oct 10, 15 at 7:46am
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I Flirt once with almost everybody, but i think it's just my cockyness that people mistake it as such, but when it comes to flirting- i rarely do it with potential interests, but i constantly do it with my guy-friends(Because we're fucking gay for eachother); sometimes i might say shit like "Fuck you're sexy Enrique", but that's kinda a general thing. Honestly, when it comes to potential interests i think only subtle flirting is applicable; but if your entire game-plan consists of nothing but flirting; then you don't have much to begin with and should risk sounding like a douche or a creep. i mean i don't mind the occasional flirting match between two people, but... if it's just you doing the flirting; maybe she's not interested or her desires lie somewhere else, Constant flirting to me seems childish. Hell- maybe start that shit off with the explanation of the theory of relativity; and when she's focuses on soley on wrapping her head around it, Pick that broad up and carry her home. Stay classy My O'Taco's.
There is a limit, it can get really stale and boring and lose it's impact if you just compliment a girl over and over and over again. Same with guys too. You're better off just using the flirting to get her attention and then using actual conversation from there.
I enjoy flirting if who I'm flirting with is comfortable with it otherwise it can just end up awkward for us both. Not that anyone flirts with me anymore lol
Oct 13, 15 at 1:22pm
Well, people should know when to stop & what to take seriously.
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