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The cost of marrage.

I'd like a small, low-key wedding filled with people who are closest to me and my future wife. The marriage is more important than the wedding ceremony. Setting aside $10K or more in a high-interest savings account for a rainy day is much better than blowing $10K on something that lasts for a day.
Dec 30, 15 at 7:57pm
If my S-Support has Galeforce then...
I already have my plans written down. I'm leaning to Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts theme ^^
Dec 31, 15 at 8:32am
I'm now with Rob on this, a biiiig sammich is a must! Otherwise, I'd prefer a simple and small ceremony. Besides, I'd rather have the cash given than spent.
When I find that woman that I can bring home to my family, I want a really nice wedding. I want to spend a minimum of $10000. A maximum of $20000. I want it to big with lots of family(friends too but mostly family(mine and her's)).She can choose whatever theme she wants. I don't plan on getting married any time soon. That being said, If I were to get married soon (within 3 years), I would have to go with a cheaper plan. That one is $5000-$10000. I'll save up for both plans doe. Reason why I'm spending much is because I tied my bond that special person. I'll trust them enough to want share everything with. That being said, I'm very picky about this.
Dec 31, 15 at 8:51am
There was a time where I'd consider marrying someone, but that time has long passed and I've become cynical. I've realized that if the marriage doesn't work out, you end up losing half of your stuff. I'm more content keeping personal finances separate and splitting the bills. That and you're paying just to have other people confirm your feelings, which always felt a little silly to me. Weddings seem like a waste of time to me. So in short... $0.00.
Dec 31, 15 at 10:05am
Pfffft, you think people get married. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/65/11/5a/65115afafb4f8e95bfec623916b2b415.jpg
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