My only legit online buddy
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
My only legit online buddy
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
deactivated his account 'cause he got harassed by a lot of people here - Girls mostly.
Question - what would trigger you into being a jerk to someone day in and day out?
I don't have such a trigger.
I dunno maybe if I was having withdrawls or something I'll be grouchy but not like an ass to others.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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My only legit online buddy
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Who was your friend? Was it donnie? Idk but people liked to mess with donnie alot and i legit dont know why...he hasnt done anything to anyone that should have lead to people harassing him
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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My only legit online buddy
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Bitches be crazy.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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My only legit online buddy
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
bitches aint shit but hoes & tricks
Arc @arc
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My only legit online buddy
Arc @arc
What would trigger me being a jerk to someone every day?
Almost nothing. At worst, I would just avoid you because being a jerk takes energy for me. Sure, I'd be a jerk to you if we were enemies and happened to cross paths, but not every day.
Sometimes I get a bit pissy when I haven't eaten all day, but that's about it. I'm nicer than most people.
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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My only legit online buddy
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
I'm actually waiting for a few females to respond lol.
Arc I'm the same way man. I don't have the energy to be upset let alone all the time.
There's too many reasons to be happy.
徐々に @jojoni
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My only legit online buddy
徐々に @jojoni
Well from what I read, he did the right thing & just walked away. A guy arguing with girls is not manly.
xypho @xypho
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My only legit online buddy
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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My only legit online buddy
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
xypho - You don't have to know what happened.
I didn't name any names - that was another person who did that.
I am just curious about what causes people to be like that to others.
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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My only legit online buddy
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
徐々に - That's probably one of the funniest things I've read this week.
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