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Alright! Time for Advice for you!

Long story short, communicate, communicate, communicate. Really, I won't be asking a twenty year old for relationship advice anytime soon. How experienced can you be? Also, you're twenty and have a completely different mind frame. At my stage in life what you said sounds like the simplistic parts that are quite obvious, you've barely begun to hit into the meat of issues and you really sound like you wouldn't get the more complex issues...meh...What the hell do I know?
There is book smart and street smart. At your age you will begin to see behind the curtain and see how the world works and when you think you know it all you will realize there is yet another dimension you have yet to perceive waiting beyond....they are endless I assure you. Communication is good when measured wisely. If you are constantly questioning the integrity of your relationship you will appear insecure and it is a big turn off. Your fear of ruining the relationship can become a self fulfilling prophesy so to speak if you are not careful. If you communicate anything constantly it should be IMHO your honest intentions; say what you mean and do what you say demonstrating integrity. They are either on board with you or not it is cool either way. Relationship pacing is tricky because everyone is wired a little differently and will feel differently about those things at various times in their lives. It can make or break a relationship sometimes certainly. It takes practice to figure out how to navigate the ebb and flow of attraction. You can learn through teaching sometimes LeWolffe but remember life is a work in progress until your last breath. There will always be your lesser, equal, and superior around you in anything you do no matter where you are on the ladder....always remember that and good luck.
LOL No I don't want to lecture you LeWolffe you already have the right idea about sharing your experiences with your peers to broaden your own. Age is not automatic XP indeed. Cheers mate!
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