Minor and Adult Dating
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Minor and Adult Dating
mariahaise @mariahaise
^I don't think this is enough reason for it but I'll back panda up on what he's saying. The teenager years are the most influential for people. That girl maybe something now but she also may change completely in within a year. Kids in between 12 to 16-18 years old are all like this. Not saying adults can't change still the difference in how influenced can be a person depends on their experiences. He's an adult but she's yet nowhere near being as mentally stable as he is.
徐々に @jojoni
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Minor and Adult Dating
徐々に @jojoni
There's a very big difference between dating & having a sexual relationship. People just assume that date = sex...
darkxangel @darkxangel
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Minor and Adult Dating
darkxangel @darkxangel
What a weird discussion. He should be smart enough to question the relationship and see how it is going
I never met someone who is still holding a relationship since he/she was 14 I am pretty sure they will break up in the future.
Arc @arc
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Minor and Adult Dating
Arc @arc
I'm really interested to see what red masque's take on this subject is.
My take on it is if you take the standards of today's society out, then it isn't really a big deal. It's more common in other countries than it is in the U.S. They are only four years apart. Who knows, she could be really mature and he is really immature.
I dated a 16 year old when I was 18, and still I was a little nearvous. If you break up with her and she is evil she could press charges on you. I wouldn't want to mess with all that.
o.o @bloodcursedchild
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Minor and Adult Dating
o.o @bloodcursedchild
Thanks you guys and girls for your thoughts. But people shouldn't say age is just a number when it comes to a minor. A minor's mind haven't fully developed yet, well it depends. Like for example, decision making.
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
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Minor and Adult Dating
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
Well in the bible Mary was 12 and Joseph was 20 just throwing that out there but laws are laws I wouldn't do it
Tiger Festival @animeboy
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Minor and Adult Dating
Tiger Festival @animeboy
^ I don't think the bible holds any merit in this day and age. Just sayin.
B. @verflucht
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Minor and Adult Dating
B. @verflucht
Very bad.
o.o @bloodcursedchild
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Minor and Adult Dating
o.o @bloodcursedchild
Yeah, the bible doesn't matter on this situation because it can't change a person's decision or anything, regardless of them being a minor or an adult. Sorry if I offended you or anyone who's religious.
LaughingMan ~dD @laughingman123
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Minor and Adult Dating
LaughingMan ~dD @laughingman123
It purely depends on the situation and the nature of that guy...
However considering pure probability, I would say most likely it wont end up as a good idea for that 14 yr old chick..
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