What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Andrewkun @andrewkun
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Andrewkun @andrewkun
i would say a crossbow from a lomg didtance because no infected blood getting on you and it is silens to it would not attract more zombies
Andrewkun @andrewkun
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Andrewkun @andrewkun
that or just hit it with a truck
Jinsei @jinsei
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Jinsei @jinsei
I also thought the sniper idea may have been among the best. Believe it or not, the situations those guys find themselves in are pretty close to what you'd find in zombieland. With the exception being that snipers usually deal with enemies that are smarter and faster than your standard zombie. I think I'll combine their skill set with a ninja's close combat skill. Anti-Zombie Sniper Ninja Squad... yeah, that'll require a kickass outfit...
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Problem with sniping is that you are going to likely run out of ammo quick if you just keep shooting. It's a good tactic to help cover a friend who needs to search for food or whatever in a place with tall buildings. I'll take a Titanium mesh shark suit (or make my own chainmail armor which I know how to make) and motorcycle helmet and combo blunt weapon and machete till I get tired and hurry out of there. Samurai swords like what Michon from walking dead has looks cool but would sooner or later brake with constant cutting like that, a machete is more durable. Flamethrower would be good for zombie crowds if they aren't surrounding you.
Jinsei @jinsei
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Jinsei @jinsei
Ammo for a sniper is an issue. But again, their philosophy involves taking the best shot only when it's needed. Why kill a zombie if he poses no immediate threat or interferes with your objective? And as for the machete I think a modified version would work. But then again so would a modified katana. After all they were used in actual wars right? Perhaps a Kachete.
The flamethrower idea works depending on the environment. You don't want an errant flaming zombie to toast your food source unless your food source is popcorn. In a brick and mortar environment a flamethrower would be handy.
Arc @arc
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Arc @arc
As far as the machete goes, it is a great tool in itself that can behead with relative ease, but the big downside is how close you get to the zombie, plus any blood that might spray on you as a result.
People might think a sniper is great and all at the beginning, but unless you have some way to smelt bullets, it will be completely useless in a year. I'm more interested in things that will last you the long run, but if I'd have to choose between guns, I'd go with a pistol and a long range rifle. No, not because of the zombies, but because of other survivors that I might have to defend myself from.
Katanas sound cool in concept, but the durability on them is crap. They are only meant to make a couple of fatal slices before they need sharpening, which would make them completely useless after a few kills.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Gatling Gun. Then napalm the remains.
Failing that:
コーリー @anlme
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
コーリー @anlme
This account has been suspended.
tachiii @tachiaoi
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
tachiii @tachiaoi
Oh walking dead I love it... yeah kinda safe yuki. ✌
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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What is the SAFEST way to kill a zombie?
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Silent sniper rifle. You can shoot from a distance without causing any noise and commotion. ^u^
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