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Keeping Up With Yuki

so my first month i was here, i posted about 20 times a day, was really active some of my closer friends might wonder where i've been or what i've been up to, or how i could have gone from being a very active part of the forums to posting maybe once a day truth be told, i've just been really busy, and am going through some issues, and it's hard to be positive about it, also, i met someone on here that i spend time with now outside of MaiOtaku BUT!! don't count me out, a few weeks ago i started a moderator outpost, which produced actual feedback from the founder of MaiOtaku, AND actual results, two new permanent moderators :) i have no concept of pride or envy of this site, but when i started making friends on here i promised i wouldn't up and disappear, i've still got a few projects in mind for MaiOtaku, and will be issuing them in due time also, i am aware that at one point i had nearly 100 friends on here, and without seeming harsh or disrespectful, i have decided to only keep friends added that i either A) talk to on a regular basis or B) have very fond memories of all in all, that's my update for today, feel free to send <3s or trolls, i'm up for either, and as always may the force be with you live long and prosper YUKIII!! :) and a shout-out to panda and fancy, i haven't forgotten about either of you :) RIP stranger jk jk she didn't die she just quite, but still active on FB and Skype :) okay really going this time, peace!!
wait is this a goodbye post?
Aug 15, 15 at 7:01pm
This account has been suspended.
yeah, and no, it was just a post explaining why i disappeared after july :) - i still have big plans, including an original MaiOtaku story and an epilogue to Mirai Nikki
oh ok lol
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