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Do grills exist on the internet?

I had to get a new grill i sort of broke my last one http://img.memecdn.com/hank-hill-2_o_434575.jpg
I kept getting the wrong kind of grills and they just wouldn't do what I wanted when I wanted the right way so I had to get rid of various ones.. till I found the one that does exactly what I needed when I needed it *-* i guess you could say.. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/409/395/a51.png
If you hang out with propane powered grills you gain the "BWAAAAH!" achievement https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/85/e2/0a/85e20ac0cea22ccf09f4d6f8bbfa2e65.jpg
What an interesting question. A grill, by definition is: grill 1: noun a metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire; a gridiron. verb cook (something) using a grill. subject (someone) to intense questioning or interrogation. Grill 2: noun a grating or screen of metal bars or wires, placed in front of something as protection or to allow ventilation or discreet observation. Looking at the first one, we can say, no to the first now and verb, but when used as a subject, it's possible. Unfortunatly, given how you presented your question, that definition doesn't quite fit, unless English isn't your first language or you just suck at using it properly. The second definition of the word cannot actually work either seeing as you cannot have metal on the Internet itself. A photo of metal is not metal; it's a photo, which are derived from a series of pixels. So while inaccurately used in your headline, yes, it is possible to grill somebody online.
@Jikoshy grills=girls let it soak in for a second It was supposed to be a joke
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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