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What do you hope to gain by using this website?

Obviously I originally came here for what the title of the website suggests, dating, but I've come to enjoy the place for social interaction more. So to answer the question about what I hope to gain; I hope to relieve stress and talk with people whom have similar interests.
A relationship eventually. Friendship until then. Not doing entirely well on either.
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A nice steady relationship with someone i like. Hasn't happened yet though
I just want more friends who like anime I've been in a long distance relationship for almost 3 years while we talk really well about things,my boyfriend is only a casual anime watcher and besides it gets lonely when he is not online.
Friends! People that are actually interested in the same things as me. I guess I just want to feel like I belong somewhere. I have friends and I'm currently in a relationship but I feel so lonely :(
I thought I found someone here but the vanished without any explanation so I'm just here for friends as I'm to shy to tell or hint that I like someone oh well that's it ^^
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I pretty much found the yandere girl i was looking for and its even better that she lives close. In 3 more days we will have been together for a month I guess the only other thing i would like to get from this site would be friends who im very close to...i once had a friend like that on here but he got suspended and now he doesnt come on anymore. This site has helped me alot though its made me grow more as a person and learn a bunch of things
@Anise then why continue to use it? ^^; that doesnt really make much sense
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